
Publicații din cadrul proiectului MIRO

Taking hold of the future: active childbirth practices and beliefs in Romania (in the home country and in migration), by Adina Hulubaş

The relatively recent urbanization process in Romania allowed traditional
knowledge to be transmitted, despite industrialization and technology
diffusion. Childbirth is still a mysterious event, and magic thinking fills in the
gaps of science in order to keep parents confident and at peace. Taboos are obeyed
after birth and before christening, only to reach the phase when the future can
be moulded: specific elements are chosen for the ritual bath, the child has to
touch several objects that would make them smart, a good singer, etc. A year
later, their future occupation will be predicted in a specific ceremony. All these
active practices are found in urbanites’ families, and also in Romanian immigrant
communities in Western Europe. Rituals are mostly compared to neighbouring
countries, but also to other distant cultures that show striking similarities. This
large geographical spread indicates Indo-European synergies. The identical form
of the post-liminal practice of haircutting in Eastern Europe and the Asian rite
of passage have not been previously dwelt upon, and it implies the existence of
traditional thinking universalia.
Keywords: birth customs, magic thinking, migration, rites, superstitions

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Abstract: Following the removing of visa requirement for Romanian citizens wishing to arrive in Canada, a growing number of fellow countrymen are considering migrating to the North American state. An immigrant integration model, with extensive experience in this field, Canadian integration policies demonstrate how this process is possible, by changing the perception of the immigrants’ place in society and by redefining the role that the state must play in implementing integration policies. Keywords: immigration policies, immigrants, citizenship, rights, refugees. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number

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Связи Крыма с Причерноморьем и Средиземноморьем по данным античных памятников лапидарной эпиграфики (с особым акцентом на проксенических декретах) / Connections between the Crimea and Pontic and Mediterranean according to antique monuments of lapidar epigraphic (accentuating on the proxenic decrees)

Lucrarea a fost publicată în Крымская Скифия в системе культурных связей между Востоком и Западом (III в. до н. э. – VII в. н. э.): коллективная монография / Crimean Scythia in a system of cultural relations between East and West (3rd century BC to the 7th century AD): collective monograph, ed. by Askold Ivantchik and Valentina Mordvintseva, The Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of World History: Moscow – Simferopol 2017 [2018], ISBN 978-5-6040110-3-4, p. 303-304 (hărţi), 335-349 (text), 391-439 (bibliografie).

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”Scenariile alternative” ale identității basarabene la începutul secolului al XX-lea: mobilizare etnică, românitate incertă și construcție națională într-o provincie de frontieră

Andrei Cușco a publicat studiul ”Scenariile alternative” ale identității basarabene la începutul secolului al XX-lea: mobilizare etnică, românitate incertă și construcție națională într-o provincie de frontieră în: PLURAL. History, Culture, Society (Chișinău), Vol. 6, Nr. 1, 2018, pp. 43-62.

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Repere etno-culturale ale imigranţilor din România şi Republica Moldova

Articol publicat în Români – moldoveni – europeni. Dileme și identități, Ioan Răducea (coordonator), Editura StudIs, Iași, 2015, p. 157-163. Identitatea românească şi limitele ei în spaţiul cuprins de râurile Prut şi Nistru a generat în ultimele decenii o bibliografie uriaşă, de la studii fundamentale, cum este cel al savantului Petru Caraman[1], până la volume întregi dedicate „dilemelor” acestui subiect[2]. Dacă adăugăm acestei pletore semantice deja existente şi tema migraţiei forţei de muncă, adică asumarea unei noi identităţi, de data aceasta central europeană, există pericolul ca auto-definirea să devină imposibilă. Întrebarea cea mai frecventă este sunt locuitorii din Republica Moldova basarabeni sau

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O perspectivă socio-antropologică asupra imigraţiei românilor în Europa

Articol publicat în în Linguistics and Cultural Contacts in the Romanian Space. Romanian Linguistic and Cultural Contacts in the European Space, Proceedings. Edited by Luminiţa Botoşineanu, Ofelia Ichim, Florin-Teodor Olariu, Roma, Editura Aracne, 2016, p. 457-466. Perioadele în care numărul românilor ce şi-au părăsit locurile natale au format adevărate valuri de migraţie încep încă de la finele secolului al XIX-lea, când continentul nord american reprezenta principala destinaţie[1]. Pe de altă parte, în Europa, numai în răstimpul scurs de la terminarea celui de-al doilea Război Mondial, s-au înregistrat patru perioade principale ale migraţiei internaţionale: reconstrucţia Europei între anii 1950 şi 1970,

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The Broken Mirror: Eastern-European Migrants’ Attempt at Recreating Home in Host Societies. An Ethnographic Perspective

Articol publicat în Enticing Cultures. Travel and Intercultural Communication in Europe, edited by Oana Cogeanu, Iaşi, Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi, 2016, p. 69-81. Abstract Labour migration has been intensively analysed over the past decades, mainly on a socio-economical level. Less focus on the cultural implications of long distance nationalism was nevertheless noticed, although the most recent legal initiatives stress the importance of the diverse European spiritual heritage. The ethnographic approach to this complex identity research has also been used in few scientific investigations, despite the fact that specialists assessed its appropriateness more than ten years ago.The Eastern Europe

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