Was she only temporarily worthy of a healing? How much dirtier is giving birth to a girl than giving birth to a boy? Christians often say that God cannot allow any sin in his presence. Russian roulette, anybody? At worst, some of these stories span back generations as oral traditions until finally being written down. You sounded like a cranky child, and I still have no answers to my hard questions. Over 35,000 heathens have subscribed to our newsletter! Jesus makes references to the Old Testament and in providing clarity has asked the Jews listening why they nullify the words of god with the traditions of their elders. eʹ. Why don’t we see giants, fiery talking serpents, talking donkeys and many other mythical creatures that are described in the Bible? If God created everything, why did he create AIDS, influenza, ebola, ecoli and so on and so on? Believe On the Lord Jesus Christ & thou shalt be saved – Acts 16:31; Search for: Question 646. If God is perfect and his creations perfect, why did he fail several times? I was wondering why you still choose to be Christian even though there are contradictions in the Bible. The books of the Bible were written over a period of approximately 1,500 years, and were completed around 1,900 years ago. I know people tend to think that their minister or priest is a trustworthy person, and in a general sense most of them truly are, but when it comes to theological issues they are completely biased on the matter and will almost surely never give any truly critical analysis of these ideas. The blog section of Atheist Republic serves as a platform for bloggers to share their opinions. The real problem is that Ray sees nothing at all wrong with this. Bible Questions Answered. God stayed his hand, which shows that god would never ask me to do that". Once again however, we see that nowhere in the scriptures does it actually say that slavery is morally reprehensible. The same scenario applies to the flood incident. The bible has nothing to say on the matter. What does it mean to you when you say that Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are one God? However, the cover says that Jesus answered 3 questions, but in the book it says he answered 8 questions, with absolutely no reference to the subtitle that says 3. Now, maybe you're thinking that this only addresses what to do if your daughter gets raped, but what if your son gets raped? Atheist Republic - 2443 Fillmore St #380-8406 San Francisco, CA 94115 | Atheist Republic © 2020 | Registered 501(c)(3). Now, luckily for us, this god of the bible is total fiction. Questions for Catholics and Orthodox: If the Roman Catholic church gave the world the Bible, being infallible, then why did Rome reject or question the inspiration of James and Hebrews , then later accept it? The bible states that it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. [3] Nowhere in this scripture is there any mention that the act of rape itself is a morally reprehensible act. 13:12 Paul compared our current level of understanding to a person looking through a darkened piece of glass, where one could see outlines or shadows of things but would not be able to make out colors or details. So it seems that there would need to be at least some period of repopulation before migration. d. Why? 1 Question this Author still can't answer! I actually came onto this article because I was having trouble believing in my faith. I got a response in the Comments below, but thought I would post it here with my response. And if mankind has true free will, then god can't be omniscient. These sorts of philosophical paradoxes are the bane of most literalists who debate these issues. 6 Commonly Asked Questions About Tithing 1. A tithe—which just means “tenth”—is bringing the first 10 percent of a person’s income back to the local church. If you find any joy or stimulation at Atheist Republic, please consider becoming a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good dinner. Which question cannot be answered scientifically because the quantity cannot actually be measured? Therefore, the meaning of the name Jehovah is not limited to the related verb found at Exodus 3:14, which reads: “I Will Become What I Choose to Become” or, “I Will Prove to Be What I Will Prove to Be.” In the strictest sense, those words do not fully define God’s name. top 50 questions Christians can't answer or can they. If you admit that god can lie, then you are saying he truly is omnipotent, but you negate any chance of god being strictly benevolent, because if god can lie, there is no guarantee that he hasn't lied before, which would negate benevolence. The “most trusted” or favored Hadith according to Islamic scholars are Sahih al-bukhari and Sahih Muslim.] If Thomas had been born one generation later, or even living today, he would have burned in hell for all eternity because he would not believe for the lack of physical proof. And most importantly, any Christian who wishes to justify a moral judgment against these acts, must actually acquiesce to a secular ethical reasoning to do so. It sounds like a set-up to me. Old Testament Bible Trivia Questions and Answers Questions about the bible with answers. You failed to even come close to remotely answering the question and have furthered the disrespect these people have for Christians. And it doesn't really matter why someone does it either. Home The Bible Q & A Answered Ask a question and get answers from your fellow students and educators. It’s the sort of madness we see in the eyes of men like Charles Manson. The problem they run into is that there is absolutely zero scripture that says these acts are acts of moral turpitude. But let's assume that they live and mate and repopulate. Why, then, does this translation use the form “Jehovah”? In fact, penguins have never existed anywhere above the equator other than the Galapagos islands. Then, in 1639, when that work was revised and printed with the Pentateuch, the form “Jehovah” was used. If a literalist wants to claim that they have faith, and that such faith is inherent in their stoic belief that the bible is the word of god, then I must point out that they are guilty of idolatry, for putting the bible before god. Why not speak … Bible Questions. Satan tempts Eve to doubt God’s Word. If, in the beginning, there was only God and he created everything, why would he create angels that had the propensity to defy him? If Noah did fit all of these species on the ark for forty days and forty nights, how did the penguins make it from Mt. EIN: 84-2133342, There are currently no translations for this content. The bible does not have the answers to all questions! How to answer the tough questions. For the part of rape, there is a guideline for what to do if someone rapes your virgin daughter. Additionally, we know through historical accounts that those pharases had to bid for those positions and came from wealthy status rather than humble and spiritual statuses. If you have questions please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Prescience being the ability to know all possible future outcomes but not determinately, and omniscience being the ability to know the distinct and exact future with absolute determination. We know that we feel physical feelings through electrical impulses that send information to our brains through our nervous system. And like all scientific disciplines, forensic science advances every day. The really tricky part about this however, is that the literalist tends to have a serious misunderstanding about what constitutes proof and what constitutes faith. Sometimes other kids seem to get away with doing wrong things, but God is always watching. This article doesn't show at all who God is. Why would you not follow them instead of God? And now a tip: See, you're doing what all the Christians do when it comes to hard questions. Getting God’s approval is more important than our friend’s approval. The reason for this is that faith is the belief in something which cannot be proven, so if you have proof you can't have faith because proof negates faith. Building upon the previous question, if it is almost impossible for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven, then why would God create heaven as having pearly gates, streets of gold and many mansions? God allowed Jesus to be tempted as a human by Satan in the wilderness of the desert. God wants everyone to worship and follow him and if they don’t, they burn in hell for all eternity. The two, as with many other ideas I've mentioned, are mutually exclusive. Failure! On his way home he crashes into a mini-van killing a mother and her two children and himself. Jesus is clear that many will come to him believing themselves to have been (in my own words) religiously qualified and expecting eternal life and he will say ‘I don’t know you. We're told that every plant and animal on earth bends to the will of god. Rather, they reveal an aspect of God’s personality, showing that he becomes what is needed in each circumstance to fulfill his purpose. So no being which is wholly good could possibly also be a liar, and yet any being which cannot lie cannot also be omnipotent, because being incapable of lying would be a limitation that no omnipotent being should be beholden too. If you believe that your eternal life is more important than your physical life and you believe that all children are innocent in the eyes of God, why not kill your children so they are guaranteed to go to heaven? From that point on, Paul was a converted Christian. Literalists love to pose the notion that atheists are closed minded and that they themselves are actually very open-minded. We hope you have enjoyed our lists of Bible trivia questions and answers, as well as the Bible trivia quizzes. The reality is that there are many mysteries about the universe that physicists and astronomers will never be able to solve. Wait a minute, ‘God’s plan,’ right? Penguins and kangaroos and a whole laundry list of other regionally specific species, did not migrate from a mountain in the ancient Arabian region to their current location. 3$ / month : $3.00 USD - monthly7$ / month : $7.00 USD - monthly15$ / month : $15.00 USD - monthly25$ / month : $25.00 USD - monthly50$ / month : $50.00 USD - monthly100$ / month : $100.00 USD - monthly. You took a perfectly legitimate question and sidestepped it with religious dogma. Yet, with this one question and the implications of its honest answer, their argument is shown to be entirely without merit. The reality is, that theologically speaking, they're absolutely correct. Bible Answer: God answers all of our prayers in a variety of ways. With over 4,500 questions divided into 14 topical sections, trivia buffs will be tested on such topics as Crimes and Punishments, Military Matters, Things to Eat and Drink, and Matters of Life and Death. Even pets have names! The biggest reason why they can't address them honestly is that they don't really understand the terminology and ideas at play. But if you truly study it and hold the same standard of evidence for EVERYTHING in history equally, Christianity is very very compelling. If it is fairly impossible for the rich to go to heaven then why are there wealthy Christians? How heavy is a mature female elephant? We cant help people who are set on dissuading people from god just as they can’t help those set on persuing or persuading of an understanding of god. but not in standard bible) does too, so do many modern books from people of various backgrounds and even Islamic texts. Even the wisest philosophers have been left with a huge question mark upon studying and debating these major theories. Instead, he would likely turn to medical science to help him survive. Those that doubt his existence are no different than Thomas, requiring physical proof and he was a disciple of Jesus himself. They take all the evidence we have and they rebuild the crime scene, so to speak, to tell us to the closest degree possible what exactly happened. I’m fairy well studied in all Abrahamic faiths and many other non-abrahamic faiths. This is why the bible is wrought with philosophical paradoxes, because each idea in it is only supported by itself. If God is perfect then his creations should be perfect, right? If he were diagnosed with cancer, he mostly likely wouldn't just turn to the bible or to god in prayer. Why would God give us the capability of logic and reason and expect us not to use it when it comes to belief in him and his word. If you're an atheist who enjoys debate and engaging theists in rational discourse, you've likely asked this question. You avoided all of the questions you did not know the answer to. I wanted to see hard questions being discussed tactfully. Romans 9:15-23, Acts 13:48, Romans 9:21-23, Verses that prove God DOES love everyone: And how did kangaroos get to Australia? And by that I mean not acting Christian at all!! In this question, I don't ask what the bible says about it, but rather how they themselves feel about it from a personal moral and ethical perspective. I think you are looking for something along these lines. If God didn't reveal that He is always with me and loves me, not because He has to, but because He love who I am (I'm not perfect, I screw up a lot and am no better than anyone else). The reason no one will ever dig up remains of those animals in the Arab region is because those animals have never lived in that region of this planet. This is all part of the concept of original sin. And look at all these zillions of comments. The simplest, and indeed the only logical way to deal with this question is this: Regardless of the process/mechanism God uses to deal with a person who has not heard of Jesus/Christ, if that process/mechanism is equitable and fair, then all people can be assessed by that process/mechanism and the outcome will be identical. These Biblical answers to your questions are listed in alphabetical order for your convenience. It is belief without any valid foundation... otherwise known as faith. How did Noah fit the millions and millions of species on this planet into his ark? How fast can a tiger swallowtail butterfly fly? That said, having a bunch of great questions in your metaphorical Bible Study Toolbox can help when you study a … When did Jesus die? Even the Pope, leader of the largest denomination of Christianity on the planet, has said emphatically that this is not just. And yet, even those literalists who know by their own conscience that this is wrong, still fight tooth and nail not to actually address that issue. Please fill in your name/nickname. He is proud of it!!! But we're talking about an omnipotent being, which means he should be able to lie and if he's able to lie then he's surely capable of injustice. We must come to an understanding that no one, not even a god if one should exist, is above or outside of the notion of ethics or morality. I asked Jesus to spare his life. I will show you what the Bible says about this, but the truth may not be what you want to hear: The short story of the book of Job is that he was a man who loved God with all his heart. I believe some of these questions warrant a different response. I wasn’t really a Christian until I sought historical evidence and held accepted historical events to the same standard. How is it that the bible explains the earth to be 6,000 to 8,000 years old when we know that dinosaur bones are at least 65 million years old? The reason for this is that the bible's claim to authority is based on wholly circular logic. Bible verses about Questions. Why is there no evidence of any of the miracles performed by God? This is the first question in the Bible and also the first instance of someone questioning God’s Word. Try harder questions next time....the worst Atheist ever. God is then, in essence, being paid for our sins twice. Answer: Twice as dirty. By: Robert Serreyn. They can't possibly address the notion that their god could act unjustly. Has the New Testament been corrupted? Bible Questions Answered. BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED: WHAT DOES “BORN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT” MEAN IN JOHN 3:5? Bible Questions and Answers – Answers to questions posed by actual, thinking students of the Bible wanting to know Bible answers to their questions. Okay, this is actually a trick question. That would be a mountain in the Arab region of the world. It is also seen as being terribly immoral among the majority of people alive today, including Christians. Sometimes His answer is “yes,” and other times it is “no.” When God does answer with a “yes” He may or may not use Satan to accomplish His purpose. In 1 Cor. You see a man who rapes a boy would be committing a homosexual act, and homosexual acts actually are labeled as an act of moral turpitude. The Complete Book of Bible Trivia. Of course, they overlook the other bits of scripture where god actually did allow a child sacrifice. This must be another infinitely wise part of ‘God’s plan’. Why do innocent children have to suffer with terminal diseases such as cancer? If we are to only have sex for the purpose of pro-creation, and to do so outside of the scope of pro-creation is sinful, then why would God create us with an over abundance of nerve endings in our reproductive organs making sex extremely pleasurable? This isn’t madness like that of Hitler or Stalin. Is the Bible reliable? This very fallacy led to Lucifer challenging his authority because he desired to share the same power as God. So the man would not be put to death for the act of rape, but rather for engaging in a homosexual act. The answer is simple. Instead, the scriptures offer a framework for how to be a good and obedient slave, and how a slave owner should treat their slaves at least as well as they treat the rest of their property. The literalist, however, does not have this luxury. no answers ......... What I mean by the self is ...a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action. I’ve pondered much of this myself. These Bible trivia questions (with answers!) Hi Jennifer, thanks for the question. to see those who are in heaven? However, there is no reason to be dogmatic. At best, the accounts in the bible are second or third hand word of mouth stories put to writing. No matter how vile or wretched or insane the action or idea, if that’s what god wants to do, or what god wants us to do, then somehow it becomes a totally moral and ethical thing in their minds. After years of study and even reviewing Christianity from a far more critical stance, including study of theology at a collegiate level and review of mythological correlations between all religions, I have come to an apatheistic atheist stance that god doesn't matter. Christ's Blood. We simply don’t know and haven’t been told by a reliable source (as far as I know). Below you will find an inductive Bible study performed on a passage of scripture with answers to each question. Your List of Questions About Heaven, Answered The Bible is filled with clues on what we should expect in Heaven. By definition, he would be described as a tyrant. Now, I'll go ahead and spoil the fun here, and tell you that there is not one single word in the bible about how this happened. I wish I could go through and add commentary for each of these questions. So we see that the two ideas, just like god being benevolent and omnipotent, are mutually exclusive to one another. rewards will they be? God’s love. God’s name at Genesis 15:2 in William Tyndale’s translation of the Pentateuch, 1530. This one is also a bit of a trick question. From that, we can gather that a claim of absolute truth by any Christian sect or denomination is fallacious and is based entirely on personal interpretation. Thomas did not believe it was truly him despite being told, prior to the incident by Jesus, that he would rise again in three days. First off, science tells us that it is nearly a physical impossibility for one male and one female to preserve a species. When asked what he'd do if it proven that god doesn't exist, Ray Comfort stated that he would pray to god for guidance. Some verses says that he loves everyone, earnestly wishing that everyone would be saved. ?If you CAN Do it,Then i will be an atheist. The Engineer's Argument: A philosophical argument... Atheisting 101: 10 Steps to Proper Atheisting, The Forgotten Inquisition & the Psychopathic Saint – Part 2. Pray for guidance. The purpose of these questions is actually just to illustrate a point, which is that you can’t actually reason with someone who has embraced insanity. ", "How did kangaroos get from ancient Mesopotamia to Australia?". You force your view on people without ever trying to even understand their perspective. The reason it's a trick question is because it asks them to address the question, not from a theological stance, but from one of personal ethical and moral understanding. If they have proof of their god's existence, then there is no faith involved. I later came to question Christianity and began studying other religions. Recent: Science VS Religion - Which Is Right? If you have a Bible question and are seeking an answer from the Bible, our database of commonly asked questions may have the answer. Because that form of the divine name has a long history in the English language. The Question and Answer sections of our study guides are a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss literature. Ararat to the Antarctic? Below, is a list of 213 questions that will help to clarify God's plan of salvation as set forth in the Holy Bible, so that when questions are asked, correct answers can be given. 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