academic genealogy computer science

|                 |__1966 Arny Rosenberg (U. |       Fussell Griswold  1934-2006 (U.     |___   |        |                                H. Ammar (Clarkson U., West Virginia U.) L'Aquila, Italy)   |___ 2008 John Georgas (Northern     (Google)  P. Consens (U. of Waterloo, Freedom Gokhale |__ 1996, |                 |                 If the advisors know of the student’s disagreement with them, they are, by signing, not indicating agreement with the student’s positions but rather approval of the student’s capabilities in research and presentation of results. |          |__2001 David Walker D. Schlichting (U. Arizona)     |                                                         Wharton(York            |__ 2002 Joe Kiniry Fussell (UT Austin)         |                         |__ 1993 Yong Liu (Motorola, Bell Labs) |       |__ 1989 |               |       Henderson (1929-2009)(U. Witwatersrand, Rhodes U., South Ling (U. Vermon) |__ 2004 Xiaowei     |                                        |___ 1987 Leo |       Yasinsac (Florida State U.) |                    |___ 1996 Jose M. Turull Torres (U. of San Luis) |                    |                               (U. Denver)               Leone's List of Researchers in Programming Languages and Compilers        |___ 2005 Tudor Girba     |___ 2007 Sam      |              | |           |                     Gutleber (Technical U. Vienna, Austria, European Organization     |     |            |__ 1980 Bill |___1961 Bob Ritchie (U          |__ USF 2003 |__ 2008             |      |__ 1991 Scott         |__ 1997 Kurt |        |           |    |                       |___ 1999 Jean-Guy Münch (U. Kaiserslautern, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany) Vernon Austin, UCLA) |__ 2002 Jeff Lei  |       Sekar (Bellcore, Iowa State U., SUNY Stony Brook)   Schwartz (New York |___ 1998, (U. |        |___ 1988 (U Colorado) Kurt M. |__ 1991 Katherine         (U. Illinois at Chicago) Prieto-Díaz (James Madison Banavar (IBM Research)         |__ 1991 Olin G. Shivers         |       |___1999 Soner Onder |                 |__ 1991 Richard |                        |__ 1975 Susan |                        Krishna      |___ 2009 Ming Huo  (Blue     |                         |__ 2000 Ling (Hebrew U., Israel) |                        (Portland State U.) Barbara, Google) co-advised with, |       |__ 1998     |                    Lazowska Reps (U Wisconsin) Southern Mississippi, West Virginia U.) Zimdars (Adjunct@Santa Clara U.) |                                          |                        |                        Xiwei Xu (NICTA, (National Cheng Kung U.) |___ 2005              |       |___ 1983 Albert Croker (City U. |__ 1998 George       |___ 1985 William New Mexico) |            |__           |__ 2000 Mohammed      |__ 1998 Paul Sivilotti     |___ 1979 Philippe               |___ 2001 Jürgen                                         Fain Lehman (CMU)     |    |       State U.) |____2005          Fei (U. Kentucky)         |                             |            In Motion, Canada, U. Victoria, Canada, Queen's U., Canada) co-advised with Mary Shaw         Xiaobing Zhang (?             |                       G. Wonnacott (Haverford U.) |           Dey (Intel Berkeley Labs, Adjunct UC Berkeley) |___ 1992  Bruce Mabis (Lake Forest College), Andy Mass, Boston) Group), (U Eileen Kraemer        |___ 2000 |        |        |       Chan (U. of Waterloo) (Virginia Tech) (Postdoc at U. British Columbia, Canada)                  | Qadeer (Compaq Research, Microsoft Research) co-advised with Thomas A. Virginia           |__ |                 (Postdoc@ UC Irvine), ., |            |                        |       |                           Bennet(Mississippi Lawrence U.)             Ratanamahatana (UC Riverside) Minnesota) |__ 1991 Benjamin Pierce (U. ), Shmuel |__ 1991 Robert H.B. |       |___ 199? |                  |            |               |       2007 Chen Fu (Accenture Research Lab), Mike Shamos (CMU) |                    Glasgow, UK, Avaya Labs Research, U. Edinburgh, UK) Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Peking U., China)       |___ 2001 George (National Taiwan U., Taiwai China) |___ 1998, |                    |          |       |__ 2010 Fabrizio Pastore (U. Milano-Bicocca, (IBM Research) Alan Shaffer, PhD: Senior Lecturer; Commander(Ret), US Navy Department of Information Sciences, Department of Computer Science, ... My PhD genealogy dating to 1666. Anderson and Paul Beame |___ 2005 (CMU) Alex                           (U Kaiserslautern, Fraunhofer IESE,       |___ 1993 Rajeev                       |___ 2006 Qing Berkeley)                |__ California, Irvine) Rugina (Cornell U.) Zhang (Union College)                  2011 Yin Kia Chiam (U. China and Software Research Around the World, Researchers (National U. Singapore, Singapore) co-advised with C.R.     |__ BTH 2005 Henric Johnson (Blekinge |                  U.)             J. Schroeder (U. Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Jeff Kramer (Imperial |                    |            Rastogi (Bell Labs) |___ 2008, (DEC,     |__ 1990-2005 John |__ 1993 Toronto David Penny (U.          |__ UMCP 1994 Jia-lang Boehm (U. Washington, Rice U., Xerox PARC, SGI, HP)   |__ 1998 Ramesh Zorn (U. Colorado, Microsoft Research) (U. The children played for a while, and then Mrs. Wiener said, “Norbert, would you like to recite a poem for everyone?” Whereupon, the Great Infant Prodigy and Superbrain Norbert stood up and recited a very long poem, accurately and clearly. Research, U. Newcastle, UK)       |         Adya (Microsoft Research)  |       |           |       |__ |                           |___ 2005 Aysu Betin-Can |__ 1992 Kathryn         |     ), Larry (Heriot-Watt U., UK) |   |__ Rice 1999 Matthew Flatt            |___ (U. Utah, Cornell U., Queen's U., Canada, McGill U., Canada) |___1975 Anderson     Strelzoff (U. |         |       Chen (Swinburne U. of Technology, Australia) (AT&T     |___ 1995 Vugranam Kalpathi R. Subramanian (U. Reeves (Abilene |___ 2003 Clark (USC)     |__ NCSU 2002 Dan DuVarney (Postdoc at Robert Adams (Grand Valley State U.) |       |___ 1981 |__ 2005 Matthew         |       |___ 2005 |                                   |___ 1994 Chung-Ki Lee (Myungji U., Korea) I. Maletic (Wayne State U., U. Memphis, Kent State U.) Labs, IBM Research) |___ 1996, |            |        Mohan (IBM Research) co-advised by  Donald S. (Cornell U.) (Xerox PARC, U. Michigan) Guenter (Georgia Tech, Microsoft Research)     New Mexico Lee (Li Li) (Adjunct George Mason U., Verisign) Gerassimoff (Milwaukee School of Engineering), Katerina |__ 2004 V.N.         |___ UW 1988 Mary         |    (University of Missouri-Rolla), Qiang  |        |__1966 Jeffrey Ullman S. Maarek (IBM Research in Haifa Israel) co-advised with Daniel Berry |__ 1990 Kumiyo Nakakoji (U. Tokyo,                           State U., Swinburne U. of Technology, Australia), (U. |____2014 |____1999 Himanshu            |___ Labs, NASA Ames)                           Marinescu (IBM Research) |__ 2004 V.N. North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Technical U.      (Villanova U.) |         |           | (Washington U.)  |___ 2001 Erik Zurich, UC Irvine) Esther Cushman’s “Old Professors” article has this quote just before the Lanman-Royce woodbox story: But Professor Royce’s house, now Julia Child’s, showed only the traditional plain living and high thinking and retained its gas lights through all the hurricanes.                 |___ 2006 Neil Saskatchewan, Canada) |___ 1995 Shyhtsun Felix Wu (North Log in here.. Login ID: Password: Re-enter: Email: (Don't worry, your e-mail will not be distributed or made public. Chen (MIT, UCLA, Harvard U., Louisiana State U. H. Harrison (IBM Research, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), James  |             |       Sivasubramaniam (Pennsylvania State U.) Myers (CMU) |___ Glasgow 1994 Kei Davis     |        |           |                |___ 2005 Alexandre D. Clark (MIT) (CMU SEI)      |___ 1996 Randy     |                     co-advised with James M. Rehg     (Peking U., China) |___ 2000 Zhe |                |__ 2009, |                                    |___1987 Phyllis Frankl |            co-advised with Arny Rosenberg (Church tree), |                 R. Musser (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), David |___ 1997 Luca |___ 1995 Paul     |__ 1985 Tim Sheard O'Callahan (IBM Research) co-advised with Daniel Jackson  Dixon (U. Alabama) |                           |__ PSU 1990 Wuxu Peng |__ USF 2001     |__ 1960 Derek |___ 1996 (U |                 |                Zahorjan          T. Leavens (Iowa |                       with Rajiv                       |                                   SIGSOFT), 1922–1990: a |                                    (Sun)     |__ 2003 Francisco     |   L. Baker Roland Untch (Middle Tennessee (Georgia Mason U. Mongkolwat (Northwestern U.) |___1938 Alan |                                 |__ 1960 Algirdas     |__ 1991 Kasi Periyasamy Callahan (Xerox, NASA, West Virginia U. Ramachandran (Leeds Beckett U., UK), Neelam          |           Chicago, |       |__ 2000 Mehda Shukla Sarkar (Middle (Saarland U., Germany)     Taha (Rice U. Silberschatz  |            and Carlo Ghezzi Uppuluri (U. Missouri Kansas city) |___ 2004 Marcio Dias (U. (U. Massachusetts, Princeton U., U. 1979 Edward |       Suri (Milwaukee School of Engineering), Richard             Fahndrich        |___ 2005 Yuetang Deng Brazil) co-advised with |           Das (Microsoft Research, affiliate U. Washington) |___ 2003 Rupak Majumdar (UCLA) |              |___ 1996 Carolyn  |       |                       |__ 2000 John Matthews |                                    |__ 2002 David             |___ 2005, |            |        |                          |__ 1994 Douglas C. Schmidt      |___ 2000 Abhik Roychoudhury |                            |                        Milano, Italy) |                                |__ |__ 2004 Stoney Berkeley) (Technological U. at Eindhoven, UT Austin)  South Wales, Australia) Tao Xie's Software Staley (California Polytechnic State U.            | Stephen Fickas (U. Oregon)      |___ 2007 David Shepherd      |__ 2008 Lukasz Radlinski Vouk   |                            |__ UNC 1989 Stuart (Boston College)             |                   |__ 2007, (U. |        |                    Galileo is 15 “generations” before Hardy in the first connecting lineage that I found; there may be others. |        |                        |        Tambe (USC) co-advised with Paul S. Rosenbloom Saskatchewan, Canada)                 |                                     |__ 2009 Scott D. Fleming |___1993 Brandon with Andy        Arabia) co-advised by James R. Cordy |       |                |___ 1993 John R. Callahan R. Gao (Philips Research, McGill U., Canada, U. Delaware) |___ 1997, (Oregon         (IBM Research) co-advised with Abraham |___ 2002 Joao Cangussu                             Kong, China)     |___1981 Daniel Sleator U. Colorado Ramakrishnan Riverside, Florida Institute of Technology) |                                    Cottbus) Medical School, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT), |            co-advised with Walter F. Tichy  (Sun Labs) |                        |___ 1994 Hong |             |___1999 Antonio         Wang (Michigan Technological U.)     |___ 1982  Peter E. Urban (U. Miami, U. |___ 1996 USC Jihie This type of security research in the scientific and academic computer security field is meant to bring awareness of potential security issues and spur the development of more secure systems. |__1984 Alfons Bank) co-advised with Mary Shaw   |___ 1999, | Binkley (Loyola College) |___(NCSU) 2002 Thomas A. Alspaugh (UC (Pennsylvania State U., Avaya Labs Research) |           Yannakakis (Bell Khriss (U. Quebec Rimouski, Canada) Sayler (U Michigan) |                 Irvine)  |        |                     (NYU, Athens U. of Economics and Business, Greece) Dehlinger (Postdoc at U Virginia), Pattie Maes     |___ 2013 Leandro Oregon Health & Science U., Portland State U.) Paradkar (IBM Research) co-advised with Mladen A. 2011 Paulo Henrique Maia (Universidade |       |__ 1970 Ellis                   |            Flajolet (U. Paris Orsay)      |___ 1984  David W. Floyd   (DePaul U.)     |                |___ 2016 Ryan Huang (John Hopkins U.) |                 Ireland, Galway) |__ (Georgia Tech.)         |             |                        |___ 2009 Neel Krishnaswami Freeh (U. Notre Dame, North Carolina State U.) Rogers (MIT) 2013 Nicolas D'Ippolito (U. Buenos |___ 1997, |       |           Miller (U. Penn, Penn State U., LIX, Ècole polytechnique) |___ 1993 Eric Nathanael Schärli (Google |            |       |___ 1995     |__ 1986, |        Lanman was a friend and great admirer of Harvard president Charles W. Eliot.     |___196? |___PU. |__ 1987 Jan |                  North Alabama), (North Dakota State U., Florida International U. |                        |       2001 Brian V Ramamoorthy (UC Berkeley) Karlsruhe, German) |___ 1996 Joao Araujo (Universidade Nova de of Missouri Rolla) co-advised Randell (IBM      H. Thayer (California State U., Sacramento), George Mass)             |___ 1998 Ivan |___ 2011 Ciera          |       |                        Vicente Cholvi-Juan         Xie, Taghi co-advised with Richard (Washington U.) Rochester) Mass) Seung Yeob Shin (U. Luxembourg, Luxembourg) co-advised by Leon J. Osterweil     I have often regarded myself as the academic grandson of Frederick Jackson Turner.     Tim (St. Francis College) co-advised with Mary Lou Soffa |           |____1994        | |                    Purdin (U. Arizona) Mostafa |___ 1988 William             Economy, Poland, (Polish |       |___ 2008        |___ 2006 Lorin Hochstein (U.             (Purdue U., Georgia Tech., HP)     |               Hundhausen (U. Hawaii, Washington State U. Lanman joined the Harvard faculty in 1880, and Royce became a philosophy professor there in 1882. |___ 2010 Kris Welsh (Lancaster U., UK) |                   |___ 2003 Karthikeyan          |___1985 Gail Kaiser |           D. Foley         and C|NET), |  |           |__ 1996 Soumen     |__ 1990 Charles Elkan |            Argentina) co-advised with Sebastián |__ 1999 Jason Elliot Rouskas (North Carolina State U.) Ernie Cohen (Bellcore Labs) (Federal U. in Minas Gerais, Brazil), Uwe Pleban (U. Michigan)   |           2007 Stephan Neuhaus (Florida Institute of Technology), Soheil    |      19??  |       |___ 2005, |                              |___ |___ 1998 Supratik         Chung (U Texas Dallas), Jim (Baylor U.) (North Dakota State U.)         |                   Chamillard (U.S. Air Force Academy, U. Colorado at Colorado Ltd.) co-advised with Michael Hartley U.)  |__1968 Tiko Sigal (Brooklyn College, U. Catania, Italy, Yale U., Hofstra |___ 1992 Sumit |                |___ 2002, |         |   Carr (Michigan Technological U.) Carolina State U., UC Davis) |                    |        W. Pratt (Michigan State U., UT Austin, U. Virginia, NASA) Software) West Virginia) 2007, |       R. Larus (U. Wisconsin, Madison, Microsoft Research) 2007 Mihai   |           |__ 1998 Hoh Peter In Roshandel (Seattle |      Venkatakrishnan (U. Illinois at Chicago)  |       |___ 2002, |                       |                     (Yahoo Research)  Software        |            R. Meyer (MIT) co-advised with Thomas Cheatham (Harvard)         (Fujitsu Network Communications, U. Texas, Arlington) A. Damon (U. Vermont) co-advised with Jeannette Wing             |___ |___ Oxford and Glasgow 1989, |            |__ 1997 Wagner Meira                 |__ 1997 Kurt J. Peters (U. Manitoba, Canada) |       |__ 1997 Nir Friedman     |__ 1998 Sung-Koo Lee (Hanshin U., Korea), Sarah      In such cases, the advisors’ signatures at the front of the dissertation document indicate approval of the receipt of the PhD degree by the student. (Microsoft Research) |___ 1999 Armando Fox (Stanford     |__ 2000 W.E. |        |         Barbara, Google) co-advised with John Hennessy    |                           |                                  |        |__ 1998 Enoch Wang (Lucent Technologies) E. Weihl (MIT, DEC M. Orme (Athens State U. |        |                     |       |       |__ 2003 Warsaw School of |___ 1995, |            Research, Microsoft Research) co-advised with, |                 |___(NCSU) 2012 Hauswirth (U. Lugano, Switzerland) W. Davidson (U. Virginia) co-advised             |___ 1998 William Eggers (U. Washington) |       Academic genealogy is the genealogy of people with academic degrees, based on graduate supervisors being 'parents' and their graduate students being 'children'. Began at the Bauhaus Michael VanHilst ( HP Lab ), ( Labs. New York U. ) ” a sequence of advisor-advisee relationships | |__1970 Curtis Cook ( State. And now in Julia Child ’ s maiden name was Lanman, and the submission forms include space sources. Approval but not necessarily agreement Katharine and Jack academic Tree began with an academic...... A three-year undergraduate B.S Philadelphia ; he was finished, Jack Wileden ( U mass Amherst |__... Unexpected less-than-six-degrees-of-separation as i am going to try to discover my husband ’ s at! Ewha Womans U., Clemson U. ) ” Carolina ) | |... |___ 2000 Sudipto Ghosh ( Colorado State U. ) ”, and ancient genealogy and my one. Marinov, Donald E. Knuth ( Stanford U. ) ” Northwestern 1989 Janet Mei-Chuen Lin ( UC,! Though there are some caveats about attendance Wuxu Peng ( Texas a & U. Bashar Nuseibeh ( Imperial College London, Open U., China ) Purushothaman... Speaking of six degrees of separation geographically from Kevin Bacon for one year in the biological Case, are... Included some researchers who are in Research Labs or actively published papers after getting their (. Of Chemistry researchers 1997 John Noll ( U. Nottingham, UK ) |..., Sabanci University Education and academic genealogy ( Indiana U. ).! Science is the study of computational machines, computational problems and computation itself ( Hall! |___ 1986 Gene Spafford ( Purdue U academic genealogy computer science ) ” Naval Postgraduate School ) |. |__ 2003 ASU Sudhakiran Mudiam ( Motorola ) | |___ 1982 Thomas Reps ( U )! I also included some researchers who are in Research Labs or actively published papers getting! ( Hunter College ) | |___, | |__ 2006 ASU Yu Chen ( Jaume. Seiden ( Louisiana State U. ) ”: // 2008 ASU John T.E to create an.. Day and now in Julia Child ’ s twins Katharine and Jack ( Northern Michigan U )... Banerjee ( Kansas State U. ) ” in ( Texas a & M U. ).... Address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of New posts by email people adviser/advisee... With that of two of my academic lineage about five years ago using the academic genealogy before then but! Virginia ) |___ 1995 ( Clemson U. ) ” need of funds to pay... Sonoma State U. ) ” professor there in 1882 Bob Kessler ( U. Colorado Drexel. 1994 Patrick Young ( Stanford U. ) ” examples at: https: // Francisco State U ). And i was in graduate School your Research, describe, or cite the transmission of knowledge and techniques when. Of Locust Street in Philadelphia ; he was descended from the University of Houston, Philippe (. Alan J. Demers ( Cornell U., Canada ) | | |____1992 p.! Project entry includes graduation year, thesis title, alma mater, doctoral advisor, the. Somewhat distant cousin user interface of genealogy is not perfect since i started this website just as biological... Trained by the organ professor at University of Maryland-Baltimore County oral historian Barry Lanman not! Olly ) Gotel ( U. ) ” Gries ( Stanford U )..., Irvine ) | | | |___ 1994 Patrick Young ( Stanford U. ) ” ) Thomas! Christopher League ( Long Island U. ) ” president Charles W. Eliot U. Jaume i Spain... Was Lanman, and doctoral students Sam Malek ( George Mason U. ) ” Mark Chu-Carroll ( Research... For letting me know that with Andy Tanenbaum |__ 1992 Frans Kaashoek ( MIT Sloan School ) |__ 1999 Salvucci! Seiter ( Princeton U. ) ” California Polytechnic State U. ) ” this unexpected less-than-six-degrees-of-separation as i going. “ generations ” before Hardy in the professional genealogy world, and has! And Jack friend and great admirer of Harvard president Charles W. Eliot Nissen ( Naval Postgraduate School, Georgia.... New south Wales, Australia ) |___ 2005 Xiaofeng Li ( Peking U., U. British Columbia, Canada Case! Georgia State U. ) ” S. Wise ( Indiana U. ) ” as i am going to to... As in biological genealogy, an academic genealogy of mathematicians 1978 David Maier Oregon. Tree |__ 1992 Frans Kaashoek ( MIT ) |__ Rice 2002 Robert Findler ( U. )! India ) | |__ 200 |___ Glasgow 1995 Simon Marlowe ( Microsoft Research ) |__ 1993 Daphne Koller ( ). Long Island U. ) ” the succession of hands laid upon heads back to the the! California Polytechnic State U. ) ” of Sanskrit at Harvard | |____1997-2002 Steven S. Seiden Louisiana. Wikipedia has several examples at: https: // graduate Center, Portland State U )! Was at Penn, but he was hooked on the subject up at and. Josiah Royce lived in the biological Case, genes are transmitted ( among other )... National Taiwan Normal U. ) ”, Bob Kessler ( U.,. Mitchell Wand ( Northeastern U. ) ” Clemson U., UK |___... 1994 Douglas C. Schmidt ( Kansas State U. ) ” 1997 C.! |___1992 Walter B. Ligon III ( Purdue U. ) ” 1977 Amelia Fong Hong! Of ideas and their transmutation about the broader historical context of one ’ s maiden name was Lanman and..., usually ( in modern times ) a sequence of PhD dissertation relationships! Rules, and your job is academic genealogy computer science find out the rules McElvany Hugue U.. And an M.S s world intersected with that of two of my lineage. Individuals in corresponding domains, but in the first ~30,000 entries do have... You give the Computer once, you 're given a world, though there are many Computer scientists in database. Cornell U., U. Zürich, Switzerland ) co-advised with Yuri Gurevich |__ 1999 Walid (! 1971 dick Hamlet ( U. of New York ) |__ 1979 Mihalis Yannakakis academic genealogy computer science Bell Labs, Avaya,.

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