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Those lyrics are an accurate description of the passage we have before us in Colossians, chapter 3, beginning with verse 12. Supposing this we must exercise faith upon Him, and have constant recourse to Him, in all that we do for the supplies of His grace and Spirit (1 Peter 2:20; 1 Peter 5:7; John 16:16, 23, 26). Do them as thou wouldest if thou sawest God by thee, with prayer that they may be done aright. Neale.Those old saints of the Middle Ages, how dearly they loved to set the name of Jesus forth everywhere, by all means, in every curious work of art — not merely of Church art, mind you, but of household and domestic furniture. It must have points of contact with every part of my life. So in like manner the name of Jesus (Acts 4:7; Matthew 7:22; Matthew 24:5; Matthew 18:20). Mere precepts cannot touch us at all points, or constrain us to do all things in a teacher's name. Neale. The Spirit moves all, and upon this the difference between man's actions depends. Works that are the same as to external action are good in one and bad in another. (5) There are certain solemn times when this great motive is and must be expressly recognized; but when the whole man is possessed with the love of Christ, the whole ordinary being follows the direction of the central impulse. Take any life, in any condition or time, and there is help and hope for it in Jesus. (b)That we act according to His will. (3) Owing to a mixture of these we find Christian precept and practice widely sundered. CHRISTIANITY IS A REALITY, AND DEALS WITH REALITIES.1. (2)Adoption (Ephesians 1:5). It must have points of contact with every part of my life. The faithful neither rejoice, nor speak, nor act, but in the name of God — but here it is required that our whole life be referred to the name of Christ. CHRISTIANITY IS A REALITY, AND DEALS WITH REALITIES.1. How easily may their motive come to be that so well expressed in Bible words — "Put me into one of the priest's offices, that I may eat a piece of bread.". If it could be shown that its requirements were unreal, its statements exaggerated, its views of attainment unreason. The stress lies on "the name of the Lord Jesus."1. De Witt Talmage, D. D.Plato had a fable which I have now nearly forgotten, but it ran something like this: He said spirits of the other world came back to this world to find, body and find a sphere of work. One phrase holds it all — "He died for me." Let Him be the beginning from whom all flows, the end in whom all are gathered, our aim, our reward. 6. The merest crystal fragment, that has been flung out into the field and trampled on the ground, shines like a diamond when sunbeams stoop to kiss it. (4)All our actual supplies (Philippians 4:19).2. gladness to alms-giving to give to Jesus? (6) Such deep constraining motive is not usually displayed before men; but its existence is not easily concealed. And who has not seen the dullest rain-cloud, when it turned its weeping face to the sun, change into glory, and, in the bow that spans it, present to the eyes of age and infancy, alike of the philosopher who studies, and of the simple joyous child who runs to catch it, the most brilliant and beautiful phenomenon in nature? In verse 5 Paul gave a list of things to put to death. Yes, silver and gold and gems conspired together to mark out this name on the paten, or the chalice, or the shrine; the manufacturer of Limoges worked it out in his enamel; in the monastery potteries they burnt it in on their tiles; in convents they embroidered it on chasuble and cope; in the glorious windows of churches the light came in, sanctified, as it were, and hallowed by the name of the True Light; the poor peasant was encouraged, with his clasp knife, to consecrate his house by carving the same name on the hutch of his door or the barge-boards of his roof; the name of salvation could not be out of place among the dwellings of those who looked to be saved; the name which to adore will be the work of eternity, could never be out of place for the meditation and the worship of earth.(Dr. The Christian at his daily task is not ever pondering spiritual truths. His name gives power to prayer; it is not so much your earnestness and sincerity, but His blood that speaks to God. Bring common iron into proper contact with the magnet, it will borrow the strange attractive virtue, and itself become magnetic. (Acts 4:12; 1 Corinthians 1:12).2. In the case of the former pursuit will lead away from, in the case of the latter it will lead to, the truth. So they are ready to think that they cannot help themselves, that they must fall into sins of infirmity, and thus they cast their faults on God, or they look upon them as no great faults at all, and so they act as though they could not sin. (a) As to their inward influence on the man himself. Recur to the motive of the text. (1) Nothing is more common than a man with a powerful motive which rules his whole life — gain, ambition, love of family, science, art, victory, the exercise of an energetic nature. Excelencia, honor, respeto Feliz Día de la Madre Because we are more observed than others. Hast thou ever deeply loved parent, bride, husband, or child? Take a man whose motives is the advancement of himself or his family. (4)All our actual supplies (Philippians 4:19).2. Hast thou ever deeply loved parent, bride, husband, or child? We must exercise our thoughts much upon Him, and be much taken up with Him in the course of our lives (Psalm 73:23).IV. And apart from these who learns, in the midst of his conscious and acknowledged besetting sin, to ask for the grace of God? Where, then, is there any room for dependence on God even with prayer for protection and blessing, since the feeling assumes that they will be granted without any prayer at all. Here, as in nature, the deepest is the stillest; but by this very stillness all who are observant know its depth. As a little square serves an artificer to design and mark out a multitude of lines, and to correct those that are amiss, so by this little rule there is no human action respecting which we cannot ascertain whether it is right or wrong; nor is there any part of our lives which this rule is not capable of guiding and forming to perfection. It must therefore be concluded that He is not a creature, but very God. But our Lord, being God, became man, bore our sins and carried our sorrows, grew up through our life, and tasted death for every man. The Minister of State in his cabinet, labouring to do right and caring nothing for popularity; and the little servant-maid in the kitchen, who scorns to tell a lie, or neglect her daily duties, are both in their respective stations working for God, doing their duty. It is that which lends them their appearance of depth, and the best of their brilliance. (2) How many of us fall short of this.(J. There is nothing left for me" And some one replied, "Ah! The Minister of State in his cabinet, labouring to do right and caring nothing for popularity; and the little servant-maid in the kitchen, who scorns to tell a lie, or neglect her daily duties, are both in their respective stations working for God, doing their duty. J. W. Buxton, M. A.Wherever we are called to work we must dedicate the labours of our hands or our brain to God, doing all in the name of the Lord Jesus. CHRISTIANITY IS A REALITY, AND DEALS WITH REALITIES.1. Supposing this we must exercise faith upon Him, and have constant recourse to Him, in all that we do for the supplies of His grace and Spirit (1 Peter 2:20; 1 Peter 5:7; John 16:16, 23, 26).3. Not if our Lord be a mere teacher. (2) Our thanks cannot be grateful to the Father except addressed and presented by Christ. On the contrary, great love shows itself most in little acts. (2) Is it not an outrage to require that saints should share this honour with Christ as Rome does? Supposing this we must exercise faith upon Him, and have constant recourse to Him, in all that we do for the supplies of His grace and Spirit (1 Peter 2:20; 1 Peter 5:7; John 16:16, 23, 26).3. Nothing so mean that it was thought unworthy of this monogram; nothing so glorious that it was considered unfit to have that excelling glory added thereto. We must be supposed to be in Christ first (John 15:4-5).2. He eats and drinks to the glory of God, who does so not for pleasure, but for strength for God's service; He sleeps to God's glory, who rests in Christ, hoping to rise to do Him honour; he does his daily task to the glory of God who plies it under the eye of God, and does it or not as and how he thinks God would have it done or not.3. Recur to the motive of the text. THE TEXT IS A REMEDY FOR UNREALITY IN RELIGION.1. THE TEXT IS A REMEDY FOR UNREALITY IN RELIGION.1. And apart from these who learns, in the midst of his conscious and acknowledged besetting sin, to ask for the grace of God? The reason is simply this, that their services are being offered in the wrong name. (4)All our actual supplies (Philippians 4:19).2. Therefore we must "walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise" (Ephesians 5:15). It is to them a mere night of stars to wonder and gaze at, not a sun to light them to their daily work, and warm their hearts with love. A continuing look at our call to grow and accept God's plan to serve. And so men satisfy themselves with being Christian hearers and heathen livers, without the least suspicion of inconsistency.3. Application:1. cast a holy reverence round a sick room when we minister to Jesus? The law of gravity does not admit of dispute, neither does the law that eternal life is to be found through the Son of God. Contrariwise, consider what are generally classed as sacred works — praying, preaching, administering sacraments, visiting the sick. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. cast a holy reverence round a sick room when we minister to Jesus? 17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. And apart from these who learns, in the midst of his conscious and acknowledged besetting sin, to ask for the grace of God? This is the way with worldly people. To God be the Glory! We find it perfectly impossible to draw a sharp line. (1) As the name of God signifies the Hebrew word by which the Lord distinguishes Himself, so Jesus is sometimes taken for the name which was given by express Divine command. Scripture: He has consecrated what we call secular employments by Himself engaging in them. Be thine own judge? (2) How many of us fall short of this.(J. Refer all things to Him. THE MOTIVE POWER OF A HOLY LIFE. Specifically the name of Christ is the rule. Bring common iron into proper contact with the magnet, it will borrow the strange attractive virtue, and itself become magnetic. A strained and exaggerated view of religion has been put before them, alien from their habits of thought, and by no means supported by the example of its professors.II. THIS DISTINCTION IS RADICALLY IRRELIGIOUS, Implies that all things are not of God. J. W. Buxton, M. A.Wherever we are called to work we must dedicate the labours of our hands or our brain to God, doing all in the name of the Lord Jesus. 2. The Christian at his daily task is not ever pondering spiritual truths. Be thine own judge? Was this a hindrance? If religion consists in entering the service of a God who looks not on the outward appearance but on the heart, that religion will be the only true one which produces right dispositions towards Him of faithfulness in all things, the smallest as well as the biggest. Daille. The key-note of this chapter is that religion is a life in Christ, so all-pervading and all. Was this a hindrance? Neale. (2) Observe how such motives act. It is plain that it must propose some motive and rule which shall touch daily life at every point. Osgood cast a holy reverence round a sick room when we minister to Jesus? So they are ready to think that they cannot help themselves, that they must fall into sins of infirmity, and thus they cast their faults on God, or they look upon them as no great faults at all, and so they act as though they could not sin. )The acceptable prayerH. Are they evermore in his view and present to his thoughts? As a little square serves an artificer to design and mark out a multitude of lines, and to correct those that are amiss, so by this little rule there is no human action respecting which we cannot ascertain whether it is right or wrong; nor is there any part of our lives which this rule is not capable of guiding and forming to perfection.3. But it is not thus taken here as if Paul simply intended that in our actions and discourses we should always intermix the word Jesus, or at least preface it. SEEK, THEN, TO MAKE YOUR WHOLE LIFE RELIGIOUS. For the confirmation of faith. Neale.Those old saints of the Middle Ages, how dearly they loved to set the name of Jesus forth everywhere, by all means, in every curious work of art — not merely of Church art, mind you, but of household and domestic furniture. CHRISTIANITY IS A REALITY, AND DEALS WITH REALITIES.1. J. W. Buxton, M. Not if our Lord be a mere teacher. (Acts 4:12; 1 Corinthians 1:12).2. (2) He perfects and enlivens those of our works which of themselves are commanded of God, engrafting on them the true motive and directing them to the true end. Raising great family/children in a crazy world. Supposing this we must exercise faith upon Him, and have constant recourse to Him, in all that we do for the supplies of His grace and Spirit (1 Peter 2:20; 1 Peter 5:7; John 16:16, 23, 26).3. THY REMEDY. It is not necessary that a motive should be based on reality to be all-constraining, but it is in order that it may be a worthy motive for an intelligent being. (Acts 4:12; 1 Corinthians 1:12).2. Where, then, is there any room for dependence on God even with prayer for protection and blessing, since the feeling assumes that they will be granted without any prayer at all.2. Very many of those prayers are like letters with no name and address upon them, which never reach their destination. Not if our Lord be a mere teacher. How can we do both at once without distraction — study, speak, or do and think of Christ at the same time? In the case of the former pursuit will lead away from, in the case of the latter it will lead to, the truth. Here, as in nature, the deepest is the stillest; but by this very stillness all who are observant know its depth. How easily may their motive come to be that so well expressed in Bible words — "Put me into one of the priest's offices, that I may eat a piece of bread."III. Here, as in nature, the deepest is the stillest; but by this very stillness all who are observant know its depth. So they are ready to think that they cannot help themselves, that they must fall into sins of infirmity, and thus they cast their faults on God, or they look upon them as no great faults at all, and so they act as though they could not sin. 1. If a man be a Christian, men will take knowledge of him that he has been with Jesus. This is the only religious view of life.IV. J. W. Buxton, M. (1) If we would be truly Christians, we must have Christ continually before us as the pole star, the rule of our whole life. (2) Observe how such motives act. It is that we are slow to learn in. Colossians 3:17, Philippians 2:9-11, Acts 19:13-20, Acts 3:16, Acts 3:1-8, Acts 19:1-5, Acts 2:38, Matthew 1:21, Acts 4:12, Colossians 4:11 It is sufficient that we frequently and ordinarily make this application of mind. And so men satisfy themselves with being Christian hearers and heathen livers, without the least suspicion of inconsistency.3. To do all by His strength (Acts 4:6-7, 10; 1 Samuel 17:45; Philippians 4:13; 2 Corinthians 12:9). What He was and did for us, and above all what He now is and does, explains it. (5) There are certain solemn times when this great motive is and must be expressly recognized; but when the whole man is possessed with the love of Christ, the whole ordinary being follows the direction of the central impulse. Because `` we live in entire confidence in and dependence upon Him.4 aceptarse el al! Psalms 127:1-5 Introduction if you would turn in your Bibles to Psalms,... La historia de Navidad shall touch daily life at every point most in Acts. 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