how to create cells without silicone

You can also add alcohol to other paint mixtures and mediums to cajole cells to come out. Most people who start out are looking to create cells. Resin is too thick and needs different specific techniques in order to create cells but are always thf smaller cells when using resin. The painting is now sold. Silicone comes in a ton of different standard household items, from WD40 to rubbing alcohol and personal lubricant. I cannot wait to try this method. I have a large range of acrylic paint but where do you get your 99 percent alcohol and Floetrol? I started off using the silicone spray as I saw someone using that and it was easy to get hold of at my local DIY store. We become obsessed with testing various additives, such as silicone, dimethicone, or alcohol. If you want to try this then check out the products section which will give you an idea of what to buy to try out this method. Silicone Oil. The first pour was a request to use one of my recipes using Floetrol, paint, alcohol, and silicone. I love what you did with the beige, tan, brown and gold. But with which silicon-containing product do you get the most cells or the largest cells? Annemarie Ridderhof is probably the top person on YouTube creating videos of paint pouring with cells and this is one of the videos that I think gives really amazing effects using the silicone by pouring it out of a cup: You could also try the ‘swipe’ technique. Silicone is light, neutral, and creates perfect cells. That seemed so easy! Article by Acrylic Pouring | Tips, Tutorials & DIY Videos for Fluid Art. When I tried, I got only very little cells although I took Liquitex pouring medium or Floetrol and Silicone. I love your videos they are beautiful being a new person in the hobby can somebody please tell me the correct recipe for paints when doing sink or colander pours as my do not hold the pattern Are my paints too thin I even tried making them’s thicker but still no luck I’d certainly appreciate some help on this otherwise everything’s going fine thank you so much. Your email address will not be published. Check out the products page to see all of these options. So I’m going for an elegant and sophisticated palette of understated natural colors today – a trendy coffee shop feel. Acrylic Pouring Cells Without Silicone or Torching Recipe. Acrylic Pouring with Dish Soap - 3 MUST SEE Ways To Create Cells without Silicone. I loved it! Required fields are marked *, Our Facebook Group is the largest in the world with over 95,000 fluid artists. Others say that they can get the cells without heat of any kind! Without using silicone, alcohol or water we created plenty of cells in an acrylic pour. Nothing. I bought a new product, the Sargent Art Acrylic Gloss. It keeps each of the colours separate, without it you would end up with a muddy mess of colour that would honestly look rather sad. Use Alcohol to Create Cells. But in the end it comes down to a lot of experimenting to see what works best for your paints unless you are following exactly a recipe that someone else is using. Some people swear by ‘torching’ the painting after you have poured it in order to get the cells. Very interested in doing this in different colors. It says “Mix with acrylic paint to increase gloss, ease paint flow and increase transparency.” All that sounds good to me. I have been using Liquitex pouring medium and also Floetrol in some of my paintings but they are expensive in the UK (although Floetrol seems much cheaper in the US) so it may be worth trying out various other options to see what works best for you in terms of both cost and results. May I ask approximately how much paint, acrylic gloss and alcohol in each cup? Recipe Included Posted By : admin / 0 comments / Under : acrylic, Acrylic Pour, Video, Youtube; I love to keep things pretty simple, and in this video, I show how to make a painting using only three ingredients and some nice shiny results. For the video attached, I did two different pours. One thing I have noticed is that floetrol over older paint is not as forgiving. Saved by Olga Soby. Both of these techniques give slightly different results and I am also trying to get the cells by using a slightly different method, by using the method I have always used but by adding silicone to the paint as well. excellent demonstration I love the colours as finished article. No matter what I do, silicone, alcohol, Coconut milk hair serum. Seeing your Video, I now will try a picture with alcohol. Silicone oil is not the same as silicone oil, there are significant differences in viscosity: Low Viscosity: Thank You for your positivity in creating these fun projects! I am a first timer and I really like your video. Article by Acrylic Pouring | Tips, Tutorials & DIY Videos for Fluid Art. Have fun and Thanks Again !! Fluid Art Tutorials with 3 fun and easy ways to create cells with dish soap By Olga Soby From Smart Art Materials. Saved by Olga Soby. Acrylic Pouring Cells Without Silicone or Torching Recipe. It also helps in the creation of cells. Love watching your videos and your results. Now, can I replicate them? So if you want to create cells with Floetrol then it’s probably one of the best things to use. Like you saw in the last video, I found a way of creating "pearl cells" without using the diluted acrylic technique. Floetrol can be good to produce cells even without silicone. If you do not want cells, mix your paints slowly and then let them sit 24 hours. Silicone oil may make pretty cells in your flow art, but it can also have nasty effects that artists need to be aware of. I also made my own Pouring Medium with PVA glue and mineral water. Thanks for the info and inspiration! Acrylic Pouring with Dish Soap - 3 MUST SEE Ways To Create Cells without Silicone. How would these new products all react together? Time will tell…. I’ve watched a couple of your videos and you are so enjoyable to watch and listen to. We mentioned using alcohol as a medium previously. World's Easiest Silicone Mold. Help. In particular, silicone oil repels resin (of every brand), making adhesion a problem. Is there somewhere down this way I can get it? In addition to the silicone you can add water to the paint as well as PVA or a pouring medium of your choice like Floetrol or Liquitex pouring medium. There are a few options it seems as to what you can also add to the paint and the type of silicone you can use. On the other hand, silicone molds are great for working with resin because they allow for a clean cast again and again. Just make sure that silicone or dimethicone is the first or only ingredient. You can use a chef’s torch or a burner. I suggest my usual formula instead which is 2 parts paint, 1 part floetrol, water as needed for a creamy consistency and then treadmill silicone for the cells Alison Lombard Mar 17, 2018 at 4:25 am Saved by Olga Soby. Fluid Art Tutorials with 3 fun and easy ways to create cells with dish soap By Olga Soby From Smart Art Materials. Focusing high intensity light on the cell lets them make the cells smaller and therefore cheaper. For the video attached, I did two different pours. I really never expected those results. As usual, you can see some photos of the project in the slideshow below, both wet and dry pictures, and closeups of the details. I haven’t had much luck with cells and will try other methods because I want them !! Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Good luck trying with alcohol. Torching will add more cells if you want them. Most pouraholics will tell you that you really need to use an additive to create the best cells. My dad used to make paints (like sherwin Williams) when I was a kid so his knowledge is way past most in regards to paint. So elegant. It’s generally considered to provide the most dynamic cells, aside from the more expensive but similar dimethicone. Acrylic Pouring with Dish Soap - 3 MUST SEE Ways To Create Cells without Silicone. It’s interesting how they move the cup around the canvas before removing it to let the paint free! Acrylic Pouring Cells Without Torching or Silicone. Kind regards, Ulla Ammermann. The paints just need to be thin enough to br able to create the cells because if the paint is too thick & heavy to move easily then its gonna be too thick to react and move to react with the others. My intention was to use it as a varnish and compare with a couple of other products as a finish for ceramic tiles, but this interesting product can also be used as a medium. I have really enjoyed using Floetrol as a pouring medium. Floetrol can be good to produce cells even without silicone. You can use a kitchen chef’s torch or a burner (or I use a hairdryer too). Alcohol sold out due to pandemic ..bought whiskey…70% alcohol…didn’t work…will try your recipe..! There are two main reasons for using the torching method in your acrylic pouring painting: Torching is one way of removing bubbles that appear in the surface of your acrylic pour. No torching – just straight out of the cup it was perfect, and the cells moved beautifully, didn’t break up at all during the tilt. I came across this method of getting cells with silicone a couple of year ago and although I have used it in the past I don’t in any way profess to be an expert at it! Join us to connect with fellow pourers, get beginners tips, giveaways and more. Thanks for your site its amazing. Silicone is the most popular type of oil for making cells. Silicone - Silicone oil is used to create cells in pour painting. The white paint used to create … I love your honesty and humor. I suggest my usual formula instead which is 2 parts paint, 1 part floetrol, water as needed for a creamy consistency and then treadmill silicone for the cells, Looks so gorgeous! Acrylic Pouring CELLS with Dish Soap - NO silicone! Acrylic Pouring CELLS with Dish Soap - NO silicone! You can use anywhere from a few drops to 5 to 10% of the total mixture. I bought a new product, the Sargent Art Acrylic Gloss. However, I subsequently bought the treadmill silicone oil and that also gives some good results – in fact you can really use either of them and it is really just personal preference as to what works best for you. How to create "Pearl cells" --acrylic pouring without silicone--July 2020. Understanding the Techniques of Pouring Acrylics | Just Paint Jun 19, 2017 - Cells using isopropyl alvohol instead of silicone. Your email address will not be published. Look for silicone-based lube, or products where dimethicone is used instead. The addition of silicone creates the desired acrylic pouring cells on your paintings created using the acrylic pouring technique. If you’re trying to sign up for the email newsletter, that can be done at the bottom of this page. Will it work for my other paint brands? It can also turn your artwork yellow unexpectedly. This has to do with some fairly technical bits of science., Supplies to Get Started With Acrylic Pouring, The Complete Acrylic Pouring Techniques Guide, 40 Essential Tips for Acrylic Pouring Beginners, Ultimate Guide for Using Silicone to Create Beautiful Cells, Some Art Alternatives Gold I already had mixed from a previous pour, containing. Silicone is what reacts with the paint and mediums to create the little cells in your paintings, it’s also what pops on the canvas when you run a torch over a fresh pour. I am about to change your mold-making technique forever. I did this painting with no intention of torching the paint as I wanted to show how you can get an overload of cells without adding heat to the paint. • 1/2 tablespoon Floetrol : Yep. Watch for more developments as I try out this idea with some of the other paints I have. You can find these in stores specializing … If you do not want cells, do not use additives like silicone or alcohol. Using 2-Part Silicone Purchase a mold-making silicone kit. Amazing cells without adding any silicone. Check out the products page to see all of these options. 251. Could I get cells? I used 4 drops of silicone oil per paint color (I didn’t used silicone oil in the white paint), and at first the cells were very subtle. I haven’t had much luck creating cells with alcohol nor CFC spray, I think I might have the ratios wrong! Here is a video I did that used a hairdryer to create some nice cells. I did this painting with no intention of torching the paint as I wanted to show how you can get an overload of cells without adding heat to the paint. I think stick with the acrylic paints instead of poster paints and use the silicone oil instead of alcohol. I’m not sure that a single test of each product gives us any firm conclusion except that all of them will work to produce cells in a flip cup pour without the need to torch the paintings. From there, I tipped the canvas panel around a little bit more to make the cells … Can’t I Just Use Water? I find that it does tend to thicken the paint a little bit so I also add water to the paint to get it to … I also got a duochrome color. There are virtually no downsides, unless you have a sensitivity. Fluid Art Tutorials with 3 fun and easy ways to create cells with dish soap By Olga Soby From Smart Art Materials. But after I gave the painting a few spritzes of 91% isopropyl alcohol, the cells grew almost instantly. After a lot of trying I was never able to develop a recipe that I found worked consistently using alcohol. What a fabulous result and quite unexpected. Acrylic Pouring for Beginners (Start Here), How to do Your First Acrylic Pour – Step By Step Guide, Acrylic Pouring Cells Without Silicone or Torching Recipe. Good luck. You can use Floetrol as a pouring medium together with your acrylic paints. Have I hit upon a magic formula? So I just had to give it a try. 5.2k. That's right. Clearly further experimenting is needed. The cells also depends on the consistency of the paint so you might want to experiment with different consistencies if you are not getting the results you are looking for. This simple way of silicone mold-making will have you wanting to make casts of all your trinkets and toys.2020 Edit:If you are looking to use this mold making technique to d… Silicone if desired; How to Create Cells. I would have fun trying. The theory is that the heat brings the silicone bubbles up to the surface. I bought a new product, the Sargent Art Acrylic Gloss. Each pigment has a different density and brand to brand there are differences in the paint formula. Please ask your 4 yr if he could come over to help me. Of course I had him help me and Im not sure if it was the duochrome colors or the mixing medium (i think its decoart brand) but my 4 yr old (with our guidance) got massive cells. Would like to sign up but don’t see where, Hi Alison! I love how you experiment and have us watch hoping we can create it also. • 1 tablespoon of paint I now mostly just use paint, water and Floetrol as I find silicone hinders the resin going on top of the painting smoothly. Hello, greetings from Germany. Acrylic Pouring is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,,,, or I wish I did! You can sign up for the Painting swap here: The first pour was a request to use one of my recipes using Floetrol, paint, alcohol, and silicone. • About 1 teaspoon of water (as needed) Loved the outcome!!!! I had some new paints, a brand I hadn’t used before, a new pouring medium, and thought I would mix it all up a bit and try a flip cup pour without any silicone. Check it out! That should give better results. I will share with you here some videos of the experts doing this so that you can see how it is done. These additives help with the cell process. November 2020. Perhaps I have success now ? Some people have success creating cells without the use of silicone. Anyway thank you again will continue to watch and learn I hope! You mentioned you live in the Caribbean…so do I. I am in the southern Caribbean. Alcohol helps create cells … I do have a question. Having used paint and water for nearly 15 years I have been experimenting with using silicone as an additive to the paint to create ‘cells’ within the painting. July 2020. Sorry – my English is not good. You can use a kitchen chef’s torch or a burner (or I use a hairdryer too). It was our first time and other than making the newb mistake of not using pulled canvas (it buckled) it turned out awesome. October 2020. This is a video from Bakerboo paints that creates some really nice cells on three different surfaces using some sandy colours. Flood says it would be nice if companies could achieve the same goals without the focus by using quantum dots. My intention was to use it as a varnish and. It’s also inexpensive and predictable. • 5 drops silicone oil, I use apple barrel paints bc I seem to always be at Walmart. It extends the paint but will not thin it out. I love your work and wish , I could have the results you had. My intention was to use it as a varnish and. What a gorgeous result! So that’s the end of our 3-part dimethicone trials. It works well with some paints. Some people swear by ‘torching’ the painting after you have poured it in order to get the cells. You can get some really beautiful effects with the silicone added to the paint so give this method a try if you haven’t already – you may need to do some experimenting on cheap canvases to get the paint to the right consistency and the right amount of silicone to produce cells. It seems to do a pretty good job and stands up well under resin. If you have questions, we have answers! Acrylic Pouring CELLS with Dish Soap - NO silicone! What to do with Fluid Acrylic Paintings That Don’t Work. I am only using craft/poster paint at present as I am just beginnng and like you I hate to see waste. 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