Disabled People and Social Inclusion. The Ohio State University Disability Studies Program, established in 1997, emphasizes interdisciplinary and intersectional work in disability studies. 1/2 (january-february 2003), pp. Bridging the gap between the medical and anthropological fields, they shift toward understanding impairment as both environmental and cultural. Twirling Naked in the Streets and No One Noticed book. The Ministry sought comments on the draft University of Disabilities Studies and Rehabilitation Sciences Bill, 2021 till January 3. London: Palgrave MacMillan. Office for Disability Issues (2009) Roadmap 2025: Achieving Disability. Siebers critiques the social model of disability, arguing that it fails to account for the experience of individual bodies. 1360-1365. 42 (2013), pp. London: ODI. S31-S36, PMLA, Vol. While representations of queer life often resist disability, he argues that queer and disability studies share a resistance to normalization, which should be embraced in future scholarship and activism. “Reassigning Meaning.” Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity (1988). Her book offers a range of suggestions, many of which are pedagogical, for how mental disability might revitalize academic life. Linton, Simi. 520-550. “Slaves, Immigrants, and Suffragists: The Uses of Disability in Citizenship Debates.” PMLA (2005). Reading and Resource List Toggle Dropdown IMDSEN101 Introduction to Special Educational Needs and Disability Studies IMDSEN102 Diversity, Rights and Equality Barnes, C., Oliver, M. and Barton, L. (2002) Disability Studies Today London: Polity. Adopting a feminist disability studies approach, Donaldson critiques the way feminist scholars read madwomen as merely symptomatic of patriarchal oppression, which discounts the reality of mental disability. Swain, J., French, S., Barnes, C. (eds) (2014). Equality and Human Rights Commission (2010b) Making Rights a Reality: Implementing the UN convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission. It will―and should be―mandatory is every disability studies … This case study chronicles the development of reading and writing in an eight-year-old student identified as learning disabled. It is in fact, canon-making. Harnacke, C. (2013) Disability and capability: exploring the usefulness of Martha Nussbaum's capabilities approach for the UN Disability Rights Convention, Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 41(4), pp.768-780. This short essay gives an overview of the relationship between disability studies and critical race studies. 19th-Century American Literature. Disabling Barriers, Enabling Environments, 3rd Edition. Goode, J. Berghs, M. (2019) Do disabled people need a stronger social model: a social model of human rights? Bell, D., Heitmueller, A (2009) The Disability Discrimination Act in the UK: Helping or Hindering Employment Among the Disabled? Patrick, R. (2011). In addition to showing how disabled women are doubly discriminated against, Hershey outlines how gender can influence the international movement for disability rights. Equality and Human Rights Commission (2017) Being disabled in Britain: A journey less equal, Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission. “Feminist Disability Studies.” Signs (2005). (2005) Disability and Social Policy in Britain since 1750 Basingstoke: Palgrave. 3, Race, Ethnicity, Disability, and Literature (Fall, 2006), pp. December 2020 Notice: We are in the process of updating the resource link text to be more accessible, but due to the high number of resource … Blanck, P. (2020) Routledge Handbook of Disability Law and Human Rights, London: Routledge. Written from the perspective of three female scholars with disabilities, this essay is one of the first pieces of scholarship to address the presence of disabled faculty in the classroom. London: ODI. In turn, while disability history is typically understood as different from medical history, especially in the U.S., Linker argues for a greater need for cross-disciplinary collaboration. “Race.” Keywords for Disability Studies. Equality and Human Rights Commission (2018b) Housing and disabled people: A toolkit for local authorities in England, Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission. While people in the disability community often distinguish themselves from people who are ill, not all disabled people, she observes, are healthy. Davis, Lennard. Brueggemann, Garland-Thomson, and Kleege explore the tension between wanting their disabilities to be normalized, but also wanting them to be present in students’ minds. The following list is in no way comprehensive; rather, it provides avenues for exploration in literary criticism, theory, and history. Morris, J. © ITHAKA. The list is meant to serve … This reading list explores the law’s historical role in the constitution of space, place, the body, and various other modalities of belonging in the U.S. ... and to trace changing legal notions of property, territory, nationhood, and citizenship. Equality and Human Rights Commission (2018c) Progress on disability rights in the United Kingdom: UK Independent Mechanism update report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission. Erevelles shows how disability has been aligned with race. 499-535, PMLA, Vol. 4, Feminism and Disability, Part 1 (Autumn, 2001), pp. (November-December 2005), pp. Douglas Baynton’s groundbreaking essay foregrounds disability in accounts of American history. Lewis, A (2020) Supranational human rights bodies and protecting the rights of people with disabilities in the COVID-19 pandemic, European Human Rights Law Review, 4, pp. 444-468. Disability studies is a relatively new interdisciplinary academic field focusing on the roles of people with disabilities in history, literature, social policy, law, architecture, and other disciplines. Staniland, L. (2011) Public Perceptions of Disabled People: Evidence from the British Social Attitudes Survey 2009. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45(3) 556-580. Hershey, Laura. Disabled People and Housing: Choices, Opportunities and Barriers. This list is not complete and includes a variety of readings related to race and disability, with an emphasis on education and universal design teaching resources for faculty. Brueggemann, Brenda Jo, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Georgina Kleege. Disability studies emerged out of the disability civil rights movement in the late twentieth century. Recounting events from the NGO Forum on Women in China (1995) and the International Leadership Forum for Women with Disabilities in Maryland (1996), disability activist Laura Hershey moves beyond Western definitions of disability to offer a global perspective. 18. This is another comprehensive book – it’s really a comprehensive overview for disability studies, “the collection covers cultural studies, identity politics, literary criticism, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, the visual arts, gender and race studies… You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the provided link on any marketing message. Interim Report, June, London: Inclusion London. Here's an easy way to incorporate fascinating scholarship. Disability studies emerged out of the disability civil rights movement in the late twentieth century. The Girl Scouts had always professed that they were open to all girls. Her essay explores a range of pressing social issues, including selective abortion, caretaking, and reproductive rights. Disability & Society. A survey course may be the only college-level history course a student takes. Get your fix of JSTOR Daily’s best stories in your inbox each Thursday. Erevelles, Nirmala. 3 (Autumn, 1999), pp. JSTOR Daily provides context for current events using scholarship found in JSTOR, a digital library of academic journals, books, and other material. and other minority fields of study. (2005) Working Futures? 3-13, Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS), Southwest Review, Vol. “Recognizing Death while Affirming Life: Can End of Life Reform Uphold a Disabled Person’s Interest in Continued Life?” The Hastings Center Report (2005). Thank you for your patience! London: Scope. London: ODI. Ginsburg and Rapp call for a critical approach to disability in the field of anthropology. Priestley, M. (2003) Disability: A Life Course Approach. Version: … 17-33, Keywords for Disability Studies, pp. Do financial incentives help you stick to resolutions? De Beco, G. (2019) The indivisibility of human rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 68(1), pp.141-160. And this is how we ought to view the enslaved African’s participation in the United States’ Civil War. Disability studies is a recent and developing area compared to other theories and schools of criticism in literature; nevertheless, there are some works that stand out in the field. McRuer is one of the first scholars to assess the relationship between disability and queerness. Edila, G. (2020) The Disability Discrimination Act - 25 years on, Law Society Gazette, 117(40), p.12. You must identify any course that overlaps with any of your majors or other minors. 16-18, 25, MELUS, Vol. Linker, Beth. McRuer, Robert. Wendell, Susan. Ferrie, J., Lerpiniere, J., Paterson, K., Pearson, C., Stalker, K, Watson, N. (2008) An In-Depth Examination of the Implementation of the Disability Equality Duty: A Research Report of the Disability Equality Duty. Early scholarship distinguishes the medical model of disability, which locates physical and mental impairments in individual bodies, from the social model, which understands the world as disabling people. But as the Haitian example portended, eventually society, itself, would have to become maroon territory. His term “the new realism of the body” calls for an assessment of the bodily effects of disability, which often cannot be altered through environmental transformations alone. The fourth edition of the reader has just been released in February. 22(1), pp.35-48. W.E.B. 4 (Winter 2013), pp. Researchers have made considerable progress in understanding all types of reading disabilities (Fletcher et al., 2007). Disability Rights Commission (2006) Changing Britain for Good: Putting Disability at the Heart of Public Policy, Stratford-upon-Avon: Disability Rights Commission. In this more personal essay, Kleege interrogates Helen Keller’s status as a disability icon. Reading in the other direction, Lorde's title reveals what is missing from some disability … Why I Burned My Book and Other Essays on Disability. Oliver, M and Barnes, C (2012) The New Politics of Disablement, 2nd edition, London: Palgrave. Arguing about Disability by Kristiansen, K. (Editor); Shakespeare, T. (Editor); Vehmas, S. (Editor) Disability is a thorny and muddled concept - especially in the field of disability studies - and social accounts … Hidden in Plain Sight: Inquiry into Disability-Related Harassment, Being disabled in Britain: A journey less equal, Engaging with disabled people: An event planning guide, Housing and disabled people: A toolkit for local authorities in England, Progress on disability rights in the United Kingdom: UK Independent Mechanism update report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Your rights to accessible and adaptable housing in England: A guide for disabled people and the organisations that support them, Inclusive justice: a system designed for all, Disabled People's Experiences of Anti-Social Behaviour and Harassment in Social Housing: A Critical Review, Abandoned, Forgotten and Ignored: the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Disabled People, UK Initial Report on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Coronavirus and the social impacts on disabled people in Great Britain: September 2020, Accessible public transport for older and disabled people in Wales, Disability, Skills and Employment: A Review of Recent Statistics and Literature on Policy and Initiatives, Disabled People's Experiences of Targeted Violence and Hostility, Public Perceptions of Disabled People: Evidence from the British Social Attitudes Survey 2009, Disability-Related Harassment: the Role of Public Bodies: a Qualitative Research Study. A collection of powerful statements on disability with great insights, it sets before us a line of serious enquiry. “Disability Worlds.” Annual Review of Anthropology (2013). The study is rooted in the forms of multiple theoretical perspectives of literacy, including cognitive science, sociohistorical, and developmental (emergent literacy). Journal of Law and Society, 47(4) November, pp. Expert-curated collections of essential texts. Philadelphia: Temple. first emerged in the social sciences, Davis makes a case for the centrality of disability studies scholarship in literary studies. This non-exhaustive reading list discusses the origins of affirmative action, the question of race vs. class, and the effects of meritocracy. Disability Studies – Delchamps (Fall 2017) Queer Theory and Literature, 1913-Present – Cardon (Fall 2017) Reading Disability . (eds.) Early scholarship distinguishes the medical model of disability, which locates physical and mental impairments in individual bodies, from the social … Campbell, J, Oliver, M. (1996) Disability Politics: Understanding Our Past, Changing our Future, London: Routledge. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction in America remains the most important text on this subject. “On the Borderland of Medical and Disability History: A Survey of Both Fields.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2013). 30, No. Favalli, S. (2018) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and in the Council of Europe Disability Strategy 2017-2023: "from Zero to Hero", Human Rights Law Review, 18(3), pp. As spirits, ancestors, ghosts, and ghouls parade into our earthly realm, we offer a reading list that will invite you to consider death and dying from a wide variety of vantage points. Williamson argues that paying attention to access turns our focus away from the individual, highlighting instead the disabling makeup of the social world. This essay brings ethnic studies into conversation with debates regarding disability representation. "The Disability Studies Reader edited by Lennard J. Davis is to the field of Disability Studies what the Norton anthologies are to literature. Riddell, S, Tinklin, T and Wilson, A (2005) Disabled Students in Higher Education: Perspectives from Widening Access and Changing Policy, London: Routledge Falmer. A complete, vetted list can be found on the web site for Syracuse’s Center on Human Policy, Law and Disability Studies. Borsay, A. Read 98 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. “Unhealthy Disabled: Treating Chronic Illness as Disabilities.” Hypatia (2001). As the sources below reveal, ability should not be the default when it comes to human worth. Please email our Library and Information Services Manager if you have a suggestion for a book or journal article to add to this list.. Barnes, C. (1994) Disabled People in Britain and Discrimination: A … Williams-Findlay, R. (2011) Lifting the Lid on Disabled People Against Cuts. 21(5) pp.485-498. Price offers one of the first substantive accounts of mental disability, which has come belatedly to studies of physical disability. 99-119, Keywords for Disability Studies, pp. Why do we celebrate on the 1st of January? Oxford: Hart Publishing. 53-61, The American Historical Review, Vol. This non-exhaustive reading list highlights some of the key debates and conceptual shifts in disability studies. This essay considers how disability has been used as a justification for the oppression of marginalized populations. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities: What does it mean for you? Department for Work and Pensions/Office for Disability Issues (2019) 2019 Progress Report on the UK’s vision to build a society which is fully inclusive of disabled people, London: Office for Disability Issues. This non-exhaustive reading list discusses the origins of affirmative action, the question … Lawson, A. 517-538. 204-229. (2008) Disability and Equality Law in Britain: The Role of Reasonable Adjustments. 13, No. Hunter, C., Hodge, N., Nixon,J., Parr, S. and Willis, B (2007) Disabled People's Experiences of Anti-Social Behaviour and Harassment in Social Housing: A Critical Review. Industrial Law Journal, 40 (4), pp. (2018) The debate about wheelchair spaces on buses goes "round and round": access to public transport for people with disabilities as a human right, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 69(1), pp.1-17. Over the last few decades, the field has expanded to include individuals with a wide range of disabilities—not just physical conditions, but also mental and chronic ones. Goodley, D (2010) Disability Studies: An Interdisciplinary Introduction, London: Sage. Bell, M. (2015) Mental Health at Work and the Duty to Make Reasonable Adjustments, Industrial Law Journal, 44(2) pp.194-221. The International Day of Democracy is declared by the UN as “an opportunity to review the state of democracy in the world.” In the books below, scholars work across the world to evaluate democracy’s past, present and future, and to discover ways … 430-451. 763-793, Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Historical Association, Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity, pp. 120, No. Revolt was the only option. University of Michigan (2011). Jones, M, Wass, V (2013) Understanding changing disability-related employment gaps in Britain 1998 - 2011, Work, Employment and Society, 27(6), pp.982-1003. 2 (Winter 2005), pp. Demonstrate research skills for ongoing reading/research in disability studies; Advocate for improved quality of life and social justice for people with disabilities; The Program. This list is not complete and includes a variety of readings related to race and disability, with an emphasis on education and universal design teaching resources for faculty. “Access.” Keywords for Disability Studies (2015). You’ll be glad to know that, over the past 30 years, a great deal of research has been done to identify the most effective reading interventions for students with learning disabilities who struggle with word recognition and/or reading comprehension skills. This essay addresses why the history of medicine and disability studies fail to interact. Waddington, L (2015) Fine-tuning non-discrimination law: exceptions and justifications allowing for differential treatment on the ground of disability, International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 15(1/2), pp.11-37. This is another comprehensive book – it’s really a comprehensive overview for disability studies, “the collection covers cultural studies, identity politics, literary criticism, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, the visual arts, gender and race studies, as well as memoir, … Danieli, A, Wheeler, P. (2006) Employment Policy and Disabled People: Old Wine in New Glasses? Longmore, Paul K. (2003). Journal of Health Economics, 28: pp. Cambridge: Polity. Woodhams, C. and Corby, S. (2007) Then and Now: Disability Legislation and Employers’ Practices in the UK. 31, No. Slaves, Immigrants, and Suffragists: The Uses of Disability in Citizenship Debates, What Her Body Taught (Or, Teaching about and with a Disability): A Conversation, Crips Strike Back: The Rise of Disability Studies, The Corpus of the Madwoman: Toward a Feminist Disability Studies Theory of Embodiment and Mental Illness, Editors' Introduction: Race, Ethnicity, Disability, and Literature: Intersections and Interventions, Blind Rage: An Open Letter to Helen Keller, Disability History: Why We Need Another "Other", On the Borderland of Medical and Disability History: A Survey of the Fields, Crip Eye for the Normate Guy: Queer Theory and the Disciplining of Disability Studies, Disability in Theory: From Social Constructionism to the New Realism of the Body, Unhealthy Disabled: Treating Chronic Illnesses as Disabilities, Affirmative Action: Foundations and Key Concepts, The Legendary Language of the Appalachian “Holler”, Herbs & Verbs: How to Do Witchcraft for Real, Political Divisions Led to Violence in the U.S. Senate in 1856, Politics and Power in the United States: A Syllabus, The Hidden Meaning of a Notorious Experiment. This essay addresses U.S. policy regarding decisions for end-of-life treatment and, more broadly, it critiques discourse surrounding “quality of life.” Asch attacks the slogan “better off dead than disabled” by showing how disability does not necessarily diminish one’s life. 3 (June 2003), pp. This essay takes up the figure of the madwoman in literature. 152-157. Instead, she argues, healthcare practitioners should focus on forms of care that give disabled people independence. Miller, P, Gillinson, S, Huber, J. Equality and Human Rights Commission (2018a) Engaging with disabled people: An event planning guide, Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission. 8-33 (1998), Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Vol. 2 pp.275-291. The social model names both architectural and attitudinal barriers as the cause of disablement. Cameron, H, Coleman, B, Hervey, T et al (2019) Equality law obligations in higher education: reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010 in assessment of students with unseen disabilities, Legal Studies, 39(2), pp. 31, No. Roulstone, A. Thomas, P. Balderston, S (2011) Between Hate and Vulnerability: Unpacking the British Criminal Justice System's Construction of Disablist Hate Crime. Graduate – Current – Reading Lists . Fraser Butlin, S (2011) The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: does the Equality Act 2010 measure up to UK internal commitments? JSTOR is a digital library for scholars, researchers, and students. 19th-Century American Literature. 372-393. Have a correction or comment about this article? Kleege, Georgina. For purposes of research, "reading impaired" children may be all those who score below the 30th percentile in basic reading … (2011) Rethinking Disability Policy, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Recognizing Death while Affirming Life: Can End of Life Reform Uphold a Disabled Person's Interest in Continued Life? (2005) Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People Final Report London: Cabinet Office. (2020) Disability Law as an Academic Discipline: Towards Cohesion and Mainstreaming? Coleman, N. Sykes, W, Walker, A. 6, Special Report: IMPROVING End of Life Care: WHY HAS IT BEEN SO DIFFICULT? 14, No. It is in fact, canon-making. Roulstone, A, Prideaux, S (2011) Understanding Disability Policy, Bristol: Policy Press. Reframing disability as valuable, she argues that a renewed attention to bodily and mental impairments can revise our accounts of nearly all events in history—from women’s rights to labor movements. Quarmby, K. (2013) Scapegoat: Why Are We Failing Disabled People, London: Portobello Books. Prior, F., Rees, G (2020) Accessible public transport for older and disabled people in Wales, Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission. (2014) Crime and disabled people: Baseline statistical analysis of measures from the formal legal inquiry into disability-related harassment, Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission. (2011) Disability and employment in the Equality Act 2010: opportunities lost, seized and generated, Industrial Law Journal, 40 (4):359-383. Linker begins by critiquing disability studies’ resistance to medical discourse. Her essay offers a comprehensive overview of books and articles pertaining to disability history, and, more specifically, deaf history. “Crips Strike Back: The Rise of Disability Studies.” American Literary History (1999). 465-480. December 2020 Notice: We are in the process of updating the resource link text to be more accessible, but due to the high number of resource entries it is taking a little time. Equality and Human Rights Commission (2010a) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities: What does it mean for you? Disability and Society, 35(8), pp. Join our email newsletter mailing list to stay up to date with campaigns, news and guidance. Aiming to place disability studies in conversation with other antioppressive educational frameworks, this article "crips" human rights education (HRE), a field that, by definition, teaches people about equality, dignity, and respect.
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