Jenkins git plugin hpi

$ git clone --branch maven-hpi-plugin-3.15 ssh:// Name Last modified Size Description; Parent Directory - 42crunch-security-audit/ 2020-06-04 16:05 SCM API Plugin 139 usages. I am getting below errror when integrating Jenkins with ALM using the plug in HPE Application Automation Tools. Integrates Jenkins with Git SCM Last Release on May 18, 2020 7. Index of /download/plugins. Check the Git Plugin option and click on the button ‘Install without restart’ The installation will then begin and the screen will be refreshed to show the status of the download. org.jenkins-ci.plugins » git MIT. org.jenkins-ci.plugins » scm-api MIT.

bad reference? Multi-configuration (matrix) project type. Last Release on Mar 16, 2019 8. Ian Williams added a comment - 2019-11-17 11:19 This is what is actually there : . Lade das Plugin herunter ; Inside Jenkins: Jenkins managen> Plugins verwalten> Es gibt eine Registerkarte namens "Advance configuration" und auf dieser Seite gibt es eine Option zum Hochladen eines Plugins (die Erweiterung der Datei muss hpi sein) Matrix Project Plugin 160 usages. This basically lets you use short names in commands e.g. Jenkins Git Plugin 167 usages.

org.jenkins-ci.plugins » matrix-project MIT. Please let me know if you have any idea to … instead of, you can use hpi:create.

Once all installations are complete, restart Jenkins by issue the following command in the browser. last release: 4 months ago, first release: 8 years ago packaging: hpi get this artifact from: pentaho-repo jenkins-ci nuxeo How to exclude this artifact from Spring Boot JAR
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