HP OfficeJet 5740

Network Protocol. Fax. The green light indicates the power cord is installed correctly. Paper Handling. Plus, a separate 15-sheet photo paper tray enables you to print 4-by-6-inch photos from your computer or mobile device without switching paper. 製品詳細表示 -- B9S78A:HP Officejet 5740 機能、仕様、および保証に関する情報と、テクニカル サポート、製品データ シート、互換性のある製品一覧へのリンクが含まれます。 Copy.

The 1-hour trick did not work in this case, so I'm contacting customer support. HP OfficeJet 5740 e-All-in-One Printer A sleek and versatile e-all-in-one designed for easy, convenient mobile printing,[1] and for HP® United States. The HP Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One inkjet multifunction printer can print, scan, copy, fax, print through the cloud, and print directly from phones and tablets. Connectivity. Téléchargez les dernier pilotes, firmware et logiciel pour votre Imprimante e-Tout-en-Un HP OfficeJet 5740.Ceci est le site officiel de HP pour télécharger gratuitement des pilotes pour vos produits HP Computing and Printing pour le système d'exploitation Windows et Mac. Paper Handling - Duplexer. You saved me tons of time trying to determine if it's a printer part or the actual cartridge. Download. Environmental. HP OfficeJet 5740 Printer Driver, free and safe download. Download dei driver, del firmware e del software più recenti per Stampante e-multifunzione HP OfficeJet 5740.Questo è il sito Web ufficiale di HP dove è possibile rilevare automaticamente e scaricare gratuitamente I driver per i computer e le periferiche di stampa HP, per i sistemi operativi Windows e Mac. The HP Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One Printer features an easy-to-use 2.65-inch touchscreen that allows you to edit and print photos and documents right from the screen. Get support. HP Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One Printer (B9S76A, B9S78A, B9S79A) Specifications. Memory device. THAT RESULTS IN AN INCOMPLETE INSTALL, Instead: Go to HP.COM/ Support/ Download Drivers/ enter Officejet 5740/ select HP Officejet 5740e/ select HP Officejet 5740e again/ Option 1: Check for Updates select “Check Now”/ Use option to Download (highlighted in orange)/ Save File, open and install. Paper handling - ADF. Ink Cartridges/Toner Cartridges. B9S76A:A sleek and versatile e-all-in-one designed for easy, convenient mobile printing,[1] and for printing laser-quality documents and lab-quality photos. Figure 2-2 Rear view of HP Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One series Feature Description 1 Document feeder 2 Power light. Use only the power cord supplied by HP. HP OfficeJet 5740 e-All-in-One Printer. Product Naming. 3 Ethernet network port 4 Rear USB port 5 Power connection. Need help? Click Download to get the recommended software for your printer. Mobile Printing Capability. HP OfficeJet 5740 Printer Driver latest version: Multipurpose Printer for Offices. Cannot Print Black for HP OfficeJet 5740 ‎04-12-2020 02:29 PM @Nils_K, Looks like the ink cartridge is a dud.


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