Google Arts & Culture VR

We work with cultural institutions and artists around the world. Choose from a wide variety of shapes to create diagrams and charts. My library
Discover a beautiful artwork from Google Arts & Culture each time you open a new tab in Chrome.

The Google Arts & Culture platform hosts millions of artifacts and pieces of art, ranging from prehistory to the contemporary, shared by museums across the world. 262.5k Followers, 249 Following, 1,519 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Google Arts & Culture (@googleartsculture) Free from Google. With this extension, in every new Chrome tab you’ll see masterpieces ranging from Van Gogh and Monet, all the way to contemporary … When Google Arts & Culture's new selfie-matching feature went viral earlier this week, many people of color found that their results were limited or skewed toward subservient and exoticized figures. Google Arts & Culture is a non-profit initiative. Search the world's most comprehensive index of full-text books. Breathe a little culture into your day! Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. On its own, the addition of The Met’s renowned collection is worth celebrating, but we’re especially excited that this collection will seamlessly grow, thanks to the launch of The Met Collection API, which enables Google Arts & Culture to sustainably integrate The Met collection into the platform, also ensuring up-to-date versions of images and data are available to users. To make it easier, we dreamt up a fun solution: connect people to art by way of a fundamental artistic pursuit, the search for the self … or, in this case, the selfie. Together, our mission is to preserve and bring the world’s art and culture online so it’s accessible to anyone, anywhere. With Google Earth for Chrome, fly anywhere in seconds and explore hundreds of 3D cities right in your browser. But the prospect of exploring all that art can be daunting. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more.
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