Unity android resolution scaling

If you go to the game tab (what pops up when you press play in the unity editor), you'll see it has a device name, along with a resolution and aspect ratio. I apply the scaling when a card is dragged from hand and released at the center of screen. 2d; codyraymiller. I am not clear how to acheive it.

Setting Function; Resolution Scaling Mode : Allows you to set the scaling to be equal to or below the native screen resolution. The problem is when i place the background image for any one res ex. So, I'm porting a game to the Android for the first time in Unity3D. When I scale the canvas in unity editor game tab or in real device ios works perfectly.

Hi, I'm using unity 2017.2.f3 I have a canvas with canvas scaler and image with anchor as in image.

I need to support different resolutions of android and iOS. And I've run in to a few problems along the way. Resolution Scaling settings for the Android platform. Changing this will let you see what it will look like at different aspect ratios. For example for iOS and Android you can choose 16:9 or 4:3 (and 1:1 for BlackBerry) when testing in the editor. Discussion in '2D' started by codyraymiller, Jun 1, 2017. So to answer my own question, I finally realized that you don't really need to work with screen resolutions for mobile. I am trying to make my 1st game in unity.

My current problem is the resolution doesn't seem to be right, it cuts off the edges of the screen and my scrolling stops for scrolling the screen left/right are no longer in the right place. 1536x2048,It doesn't displays properly for 640x960. 1- Upgrading Unity edition so I just installed the beta edition Unity2017.1.0b10, but this didn’t work for me This problem occurred on certain devices such as Galaxy Note 3 If anyone has solved a problem like this before please share your experience. Unity Scale Game To Different Screen Resolution/Size - Unity Android Game Development Tutorial ... Work With Different Screen Resolutions & Aspect Rations | Unity - Duration: 4:25. Thank you for watching my video. Here's what's happening: When using "Free Aspect" in the Game window, I want to create bars on the sides or the … I'm working on my first 2D game in Unity, a simple football card game, and I'm so close to getting the scaling right. And I've run in to a few problems along the way.

Make sure to leave suggestion in the comment section. The screen size is varying, but sprites and bg sprite is not scaling as per res. So, I'm porting a game to the Android for the first time in Unity3D. FixedDPI: Allows you to scale the device’s screen resolution below its native resolution and show the Target DPI property. Free Aspect Scaling & Resolution.

My current problem is the resolution doesn't seem to be right, it cuts off the edges of the screen and my scrolling stops for scrolling the screen left/right are no longer in the right place. Setting Function; Resolution Scaling Mode : Allows you to set the scaling to be equal to or below the native screen resolution. FixedDPI: Allows you to scale the device’s screen resolution below its native resolution and show the Target DPI property. Joined: Jun 1, 2017 Posts: 10. Unity3D With Scott | UI Tutorial - How to scale the canvas for all screen sizes.

Hey, everyone! Resolution Scaling settings for the Android platform.

You can see how it will look on each device within the unity editor fairly easily.

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