Iis8 5 aspx

IIS 8.5 on Windows 2012 R2. I ran tests on IIS 7.5 with .htm and .aspx files on a 32-bit application pool and a 64-bit application pool. As the ultimate goal is still to talk about what’s new with FTP for IIS 8, I have retained IIS, 8, and FTP in the title but nothing more. Active 6 months ago. I am trying hide the reponse header "Server:Microsoft-IIS/8.5" it only appear when i get answer 5xx or 4xx. Next I created a basic HTML page with an image and then converted that same HTML page over to an .aspx page running in ASP.Net 4.0. Bruce, when I first read your reply, I mistakenly read ".NET 3.5". Wednesday September 30, 2015 by ruslany.

I thought you were asking if I had installed .NET 3.5, and I answered I had only installed .NET 4 (which is the same as .NET 4.5… For some reason my IIS won't return any font files.

View All; How to warm up Azure Web App during deployment slots swap. I did try follow the links: I have verified the URLs are correct and the MIME types are correct. IIS8.5 Won't Serve Font Files. IIS 8.5 simple ASPX pages takes 10 minutes to load I am running IIS8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2 and have 9 websites up and running. thanks very much for your help i've tried that but still the same thing, if i run the lightswitch application on my local machine it works fine but when i run on IIS8.5 or run it from a different machine it won't works, it shows the parent directory. Hi, Cai. Getting Classic ASP to run on IIS8.5 comes with a few gotchas that can easily cause problems well beyond what you might expect. The Web server has a modular design that enables you to customize a server by adding or removing modules to meet your specific needs. They all return as 404s. Three of the ASP websites run perfectly, however, one of them takes 10 minutes to load. Some are MVC4 and some are classic ASP. This post began its life as ‘What’s new in IIS 8 FTP’ but has since morphed into something quite different. Azure Web App deployment slots are used to help roll out new versions of an app without downtime or cold start activation. Home IIS.NET Forums IIS 7 and Above Configuration & Scripting Enabling HttpCompression IIS 8.5 Windows Server 2012 Enabling HttpCompression IIS 8.5 Windows Server 2012 RSS 8 replies The Install IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2 section describes how to install modules, and the Modules in IIS 8.5 section below describes the functionality that each module provides and which modules are installed by default. FTP IIS IIS8.

Here are the results of the memory used by the worker process: These pipelines are different and if you write an app expecting the behavior of one pipeline and the move it, your observed behavior will likely be different when you move it to the new pipeline. So, the short answer. PHP Blogs. IIS 8.5 and .NET Framework 4.5 configuration Jan 03, 2014 11:41 AM | j_fradique | LINK Searched for the problem that I was getting and could not find any solution so I'm starting this new thread hoping to help those who, like myself, had trouble finding a solution for this problem. IIS 8.0 Express enhances your ability to develop and test web applications on Windows by combining the power of IIS 8.0 with the convenience of a lightweight web server like the ASP.NET Development Server (also known as Cassini). IIS Express 8.0 is included with Microsoft WebMatrix, an integrated suite of tools designed to make developing web applications on Windows simple and seamless. Ask Question Asked 6 years ago. 1. I have an asp.net application running on Windows 2012 in IIS 8 that has a very time consuming application start process (essentially the code running in the Application_Start() event can take up to 2 In normal flow the tag is hidden.

In order to install the remote admin addin in IIS8.5 on Windows 8.1 you need to download the msi file by clicking on the "Direct Download Link" link in the Web Platform Installer 4.6. I ran the same tests on IIS8. Greetings, Classic ASP webpage is working perfectly with IIS7.5 in windows 7, but when i hosted the same in windows 8 IIS 8.5 it doesn't work out.

Viewed 5k times 3. It's less interesting that they've moved from IIS6 to IIS8 and more significant that they've moved from Classic Mode to the Integrated Mode pipeline.

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