Borderlands 3 update
Hotfixes are applied at the main menu. Borderlands 3 Patch Notes For April 23 Update: Moze Gets Another Buff A new update will kick off off a bunch of new content in Borderlands 3, and also implement numerous bug fixes.

It …

Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: May 7, 2020 A complete list of changes implemented in the latest Borderlands 3 hotfix. To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign appear.

Today we will release an update for Borderlands 3, which will be live on all platforms today by 3:00 PM PST, that addresses multiple community requests such as skippable cutscenes, Guardian Rank toggles, a level cap increase, and kicks off the week-long Broken Hearts Day Event!. An update on Mayhem Mode and quality-of-life improvements coming to Borderlands 3.

r/borderlands3: The place for everything Borderlands 3! News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork..... You name it! Welcome to the Borderlands 3 Updates and Patch Notes page, which details all of the major updates since the game launched in September 2019.. Borderlands 3 fans may have been looking forward to the Takedown at the Guardian Breach update, which was expected to arrive June 4.But the game's developers at …

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